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* Even the oldest Paris night refuges, which are the outcome of private philanthropy L'Oeuvre de l'Hospitalite de Nuit have only been in existence some fourteen or fifteen years.

And it was all told so quietly, so simply, with no sign of emotion of any sort. At exactly nine o'clock he rose to his feet, clicked his heels together, made me a drawing-room bow, of the best form, as he said: "Eh, bien, madame, je vous quitte. Bon soir et bonne nuit."

"Monsieur l'Abbé Mirabelle explained to me in the clearest manner that suicide is an act of despair." But Constantin Marc was inquiring of Pradel with interest, whether Lydie, the little super, was pretty. "You have seen her in La Nuit du 23 octobre; she plays the woman of the people who, in the Plaine de Grenelle, is buying wafers of Madame Ravaud."

Bonne nuit, M'sieu Carrigan!" "Good night!" nodded David. In the pale shadows he thought a mysterious light of gladness illumined Black Roger's face before the door opened and closed, leaving him alone again.

That famous adventure, in which the en cas de nuit was brought into use, for the sake of one Poquelin alias Moliere; how often has it been described and admired? This Poquelin, though king's valet-de-chambre, was by profession a vagrant; and as such, looked coldly on by the great lords of the palace, who refused to eat with him.

"That is the Bible. I do not know what the Tee Albare is!" Frowenfeld darted an aroused glance into the ever-courteous eyes of his visitor, who said without a motion: "You di'n't gave Agricola Fusilier une ouangan, la nuit passé?" "Sir?" "Ee was yeh? laz nighd?" "Mr. Fusilier was here last night yes. He had been attacked by an assassin and slightly wounded.

For over all a care for the refreshment of the human spirit by fine art manifests itself, a predominant sense of literary charm, so that, in their search for the secret of exquisite expression, the romantic school went back to the forgotten world of early French poetry, and literature itself became the most delicate of the arts like "goldsmith's work," says Sainte-Beuve, of Bertrand's Gaspard de la Nuit and that peculiarly French gift, the gift of exquisite speech, argute loqui, attained in them a perfection which it had never seen before.

In the evening she brought in one containing the nightgown and nightcap, and the stockings for the next morning; this basket was called pret de la nuit. They were in the department of the lady of honour, the tirewoman having nothing to do with the linen. Nothing was put in order or taken care of by the Queen's women.

Passing one of the salons I saw a group of ladies and gentlemen, and thinking you might be one of the number, and the music just striking up for my dance with you, la belle de la nuit, I entered the salon, gazing eagerly amongst them, coming away, as you know, disappointed. Sir Tilton in this way distanced me.

Now she would face it coldly after the sleep. "La Nuit Porte Conseil." Had he not been a fool? And he loved her so. He would have her anyway no matter what she said, now. She stirred, and her wide-open eyes were staring up at him staring with hurt, troubled wonder. The amazement in them grew she could not understand. He stopped breathing. His embrace of her relaxed.