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He always wanted the best of everything." Just then the nurse opened the door. "Barrows and Nevius," she said sternly. "This is the rest hour, and you are both under orders. Please go home at once and go to bed, or I shall report to Mrs. Hartley." When they had gone, she looked searchingly into the face of the brand-new chaser. "How are you feeling now?" she asked. "Oh, pretty well."

His cure does not explain the cures in which Dr. Nevius believed. His case did not present the features of which Dr. Nevius asked science for an explanation. Dr. Janet's essay is the dernier cri of science, and leaves Dr. Nevius just where it found him. Science, therefore, can, and does, tell Dr. And the same number of the same periodical shows us Dr.

Hammond to account for the abnormal conditions in so-called possession, but 'he has hardly even attempted to do this. Dr. Nevius next perused the works of Dr. Griesinger, Dr. Baelz, Professor William James, M. Ribot, and, generally, the literature of 'alternating personality. He found Mr. Piper knew a great deal about things which Mrs. Piper, in her normal state, did not, and could not know.

Hodgson accepting facts similar to those of Dr. Nevius, and explaining them by possession! Dr. Nevius's observations practically cover the whole field of 'possession' in non-European peoples. But other examples from other areas are here included. The adventurous Sebituane was harried by the Matabele in a new land of his choice.

"Speaking of death," began Nevius suddenly. "Nobody spoke of it, and nobody wants to," said Carol. "Miss Tucker suggests it by the forlornity of her attitude. And since she has started the subject, I must needs continue. I want to tell you something funny. You weren't here when Reddy Waters croaked, were you, Duke? He had the cottage next to mine.

"Don't get anything the matter with your disposition. We don't care where else you collect them, as long as you keep on making us laugh. But, woodman, spare that disposition." Nevius pulled out the note-book and crossed off the notation. "There it goes again," he muttered. "Women always were a blot on the escutcheon of scientific progress.

By a happy accident, as this chapter was passing through the press, a scientific account of a demoniac and his cure was published by Dr. Pierre Janet. Dr. Janet has explained, with complete success, everything in the matter of possession, except the facts which, in the opinion of Dr. Nevius, were in need of explanation. These facts did not occur in the case of the demoniac 'exorcised' by Dr.

"A true story," said Nevius decidedly. "Um-hum. Lover was alone in the woods, wasn't he? How did his friends find out about those midnight spirits that came and killed him?" The girls brightened. "Yes, of course," chirped Carol. "How did folks find out? "Say, be reasonable," begged Nevius. "Spoiling another good story. I say it is a true tale, and I ought to know.

Because pathologists and psychologists are unable to explain, or give the modus of a set of phenomena, it does not follow that the devil, or a god, or a ghost, is in it. But this, of course, was precisely the natural inference of savages. Dr. Nevius catalogues the symptoms of possession thus: 1. Complete change of moral character in the patient.

In China, possessed women, who never composed a line of poetry in their normal lives, utter their thoughts in verse, and are said to give evidence of clairvoyant powers. The book Demon Possession in China of Dr. Nevius, for forty years a missionary, was violently attacked by the medical journals of his native country, the United States.