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But as naval science developed and the limitations of the weapon were more accurately measured, it was able to achieve less and less, till in the eighteenth century it was regarded as almost negligible. Even its moral effect was lost, and it ceased to be considered as a battle unit.

Crewe reflected, and although he did not have time to assure himself on these historical points, the thought stayed him. 'Et tu, Brute! Moreover, Mr. Peter Pardriff had something of his own to say. Crewe's candidacy. Here are some of the answers, duly tabulated. "Negligible." Congressman Fairplay. "One less vote for the Honourable Adam B. Hunt." The Honourable Jacob Botcher.

Yesterday I met her in her foolish high heels and her shocking openwork stockings and her negligible dress and her exposed throat and her fur stole, and she was so delicious and so absurd and so futile and so sure of her power that that well, you aren't going to countermand any new frock. That chit has the right to ruin me not because of anything she's done, but because she is.

It was that of all the people he had grown up among, and he had always regarded it as necessary but negligible. Until a few months ago he had never known a "nice" woman who looked at life differently; and if a man married it must necessarily be among the nice. "Ah then I won't ask him to dine!" he concluded with a laugh; and May echoed, bewildered: "Goodness ask the Carfrys' tutor?"

About one-third of the private schools for negroes offer industrial courses, but much of this work is ineffective either so slight as to be negligible or straight labor done in return for board and tuition and without regard to educational value.

And Socratic helps them out for a consideration. His time is valuable and he bought his wisdom at a high price. Some months ago a pompous fellow dropped in. We recognized him as Brainerd, one of the leading business men of a small city. His story was this: He had built up a big enterprise during the pioneer boom days of easy money and negligible competition.

"I am sure, dearest," she said, "that you do not mean to be uncouth or unmannerly, far less that most odious of all propensities in a young girl forward. But though my authority over you were to be regarded as so slight as to be quite negligible, I should still feel it my duty to remonstrate when I saw you committing a breach of the conventions which might be grievously misconstrued.

But on a light cleansing diet or while fasting the amount of new material passing into the colon is small or negligible. During the first few days of fasting if two or three enemas are administered each day in immediate succession the colon is soon completely emptied of recently eaten food and it becomes progressively easier to introduce larger amounts of water.

And as a prose writer, Heine's fame rests largely on his travel pictures. The points of similarity between Loeben's ballad and saga and the ballads and Märchen of Brentano, all of which Loeben knew in 1821, are wholly negligible.

His eyes, like the girl's, were watchfully bent upon the gloom-filled angle which Terry must negotiate before the way straightened out again before her. Her headlights cut through the shadows; Terry's little body stiffened a bit and her hands tensed on her wheel; her flying speed was lessened an almost negligible trifle; she made the turn and opened the throttle. Steve nodded approvingly.