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Some fear that we were still in peril from the pursuing foe? "The day after to-morrow," he replied, "by the evening. Heaven grant we may find them safe!" I started as the words issued from his lips. They had brought pain in an instant. This was the true cause of my undefined forebodings. "You have fears?" I inquired, hastily. "I have." "Of what? of whom?" "The Navajoes." "The Navajoes!" "Yes.

We'd have been in as ugly a fix as he's in now if we hadn't sighted it in time. What!" continued the trapper, his voice rising into earnestness; "Dacoma, by the Etarnal! The second chief of the Navajoes!" I turned toward Seguin to witness the effect of this announcement. The Maricopa was leaning over to him, muttering some words in an unknown tongue, and gesticulating with energy.

These are mostly Pyides, into whose country some of the Utah bands make periodical forays, capturing their young women and children, whom they sell to the Navajoes in New Mexico, as well as to the Mormons.

"It is quite true; both Apaches and Navajoes carry off children from the valley, here, in their grand forays; and it is said by those who should know, that most of them are used in that way. Whether as a sacrifice to the fiery god Quetzalcoatl, or whether from a fondness lor human flesh, no one has yet been able to determine.

The bears themselves were killed, and made part of our suppers. Our next day's march lay up the Gila, to the mouth of the San Carlos river, where we again halted for the night. The San Carlos runs in from the north; and Seguin had resolved to travel up this stream for a hundred miles or so, and afterwards strike eastward to the country of the Navajoes.

The most famous blankets are made by the Navajoes upon rude hand looms and are wonderfully fine in weave, color, and design.

"Vaya!" rejoined a Mexican; "we should meet the Navajoes just when we had got to their town! Carrai! that would never do, amigo. There wouldn't many, of us get back again. Santisima! No." "We ain't obleeged to meet them," argued the first speaker. "They're not a-goin' to stop at thur town when they find the nigger hain't been back." "It is true," said Seguin, "they will not remain there.

Although a common one among professional equestrians, it was new to the Navajoes, who looked on with shouts of wonder and admiration. They caused the torero to repeat it again and again, until the spotted mustang had become all of one colour. Sanchez, however, did not leave off until he had given his spectators the full programme of the "ring," and had fairly "astonished the natives."

"But the Navajoes are the notorious enemies of the New Mexicans! How come they to be here? Prisoners?" "Do they look like prisoners?" They certainly showed no signs of captivity in either look or gesture. They strode proudly up the street, occasionally glancing at the passers with an air of savage and lordly contempt. "Why, then, are they here? Their country lies far to the west."

Their dresses were burned off; but by the parts that remained still intact from the fire, we could easily recognise to what party each had belonged. The greater number of them were Navajoes. There were also the bodies of hunters smoking inside their cindery shirts. I thought of Garey; but, as far as I could judge, he was not among them. There were no scalps for the Indians to take.