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A murmur of assent, uttered chiefly by men in Mexican costume, testified to the truth of this statement. "I myself," continued Seguin, and his voice slightly trembled as he spoke, "am among that number. Years, long years ago, I was robbed of my child by the Navajoes. I have lately learned that she is still alive, and at their head town with many other white captives.

Also near us were the Zuni Indians, who, like the Pueblo Indians, lived in stone-built communal houses, had entirely different customs to those of the Apaches and Navajoes, and are perhaps the debased descendants of a once powerful and advanced nation.

I rescued El Sol when a boy out of the hands of the Navajoes. Perhaps there is still another reason. But come," continued he, apparently wishing to give a turn to the conversation, "you shall know our Indian friends. You are to be companions for a time. He is a scholar, and will interest you. Take care of your heart with the gentle Luna. Vincente, go to the tent of the Coco chief.

The tribes residing and roaming within the limits of New Mexico are the Navajoes; the Mescalero, Gila, and Jicarilla bands of Apaches; the Muache, Capote, and Weeminuche bands of Utes; and the Pueblos. Navajoes. The Navajoes now number 9,114, an increase of 880 over last year's enumeration.

We are the children of Montezuma; we are Navajoes. What want you with us?" "We come for our relatives, your white captives. They are our wives and daughters." "White captives! You mistake us. We have no captives. Those you seek are among the nations of the Apache, away far to the south." "No; they are with you," replies Seguin. "I have certain information that they are here. Delay us not, then!

Picturesque Scene of the Encampment. The Missionary and the Nobleman. Brown's Hole. The Navajoes. Kit Carson Purveyor at the Fort. Trapping at the Black Hills. Again upon the Yellowstone. Pleasant Winter Quarters. Signs of the Indians. Severe Conflict. Reappearance of the Indians. Their utter Discomfiture. There was now a brief lull in the battle.

With all my exertions, I could never raise a force sufficient to penetrate that desert country north of the Gila, in which lie the towns of the savage Navajoes." "And you think " "Patience! I shall soon finish. My band is now stronger than ever.

"Oh, senor, los Indios bravos! los Navajoes! carambo!" "But I am not going into the Indian country. I travel down the river, through the towns of New Mexico." "Ah! senor! the towns! no hay seguridad. No, no; there is safety nowhere from the Navajo. Hay novedades: news this very day. Polvidera; pobre polvidera! It was attacked on Sunday last. On Sunday, senor, when they were all en la misa.

These Navajoes used to declare that they would never quit the war-path till a certain "Dancing Man" appeared, and that they would never be conquered till then. An American officer, named Backus, at Fort Defiance, constructed a dummy man, who danced by the pulling of wires, and showed him to the Indians.

Therefore 5,000 or more Navajoes are living outside the reservation, on the public domain; and of these, according to Indian Office statements, about 1,000 are unallotted, and under the present law can only be allotted as are white homesteaders, by paying the costs of survey and fees to the land office.