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"Dear, dearest Adele! do not repel me me, your father! You remember " "My father! My father was a great chief. He is dead. This is my father now. The Sun is my father. I am a daughter of Montezuma! I am a queen of the Navajoes!" As she utters these words, a change seems to come over her spirit. She crouches no longer. She rises to her feet.

Here he found a party of traders, who were on an excursion to a numerous and quite wealthy band of Indians, called the Navajoes. They seemed to have attained a degree of civilization considerably above that of any of the other tribes. They had fixed abodes; had immense herds of sheep, horses and mules.

There was variety in their habiliments, yet the national costume of Mexico was traceable in all. Some wore leather calzoneros, with a spencer or jerkin of the same material, close both at front and behind. Some carried, instead of the pictured serape, the blanket of the Navajoes, with its broad black stripes. Suspended from the shoulders of others hung the beautiful and graceful manga.

Look to yur sights, and give 'em gos; do 'ee hear?" As the trapper spoke, two hundred voices broke into a simultaneous yell. It was the war-cry of the Navajoes! As its vengeful notes rang upon the canon, they were answered by loud cheers from the hunters, mingled with the wild whoops of their Delaware and Shawano allies.

Charles Bent was appointed governor, and the other offices filled by Americans and Mexicans who were rigidly loyal to the political change. At this time the command of the troops devolved upon Colonel Sterling Price, Colonel Doniphan, who ranked him, having departed from Santa Fe on an expedition against the Navajoes.

They were gone; but where? and when? and why? I put these questions to Seguin, and was answered thus briefly "The Indians." The savage it was, with his red spear and scalping-knife, his bow and his battle-axe, his brand and his poisoned arrows. "The Navajoes?" I inquired. "Navajo and Apache." "But do they come no more to this place?" A feeling of anxiety had suddenly entered my mind.

The queen, too, might thus be rescued as well. It was the alternative suggested by despair. In a hurried whisper he communicated this to those of his comrades nearest him, in order to insure their prudence and patience. As soon as the proposal was made, the Navajoes rose from their seats, and clustered together in a corner of the room to deliberate. They spoke in low tones.

You are red men. Red men can feel for their kindred as well as white men. We know this; and for that reason have I raised the banner of peace, that each may restore to the other his own. It will please the Great Spirit, and will give satisfaction to both of us; for that which you hold is of most value to us, and that which we have is dear only to you. Navajoes! I have spoken. I await your answer."

The Indians of the Southwest came in, in 1848, under the treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo, although with some of them other treaties have been made and their lands added to by executive order. The Navajoes, about twenty-two thousand in number, now own more than twelve million acres in Arizona and New Mexico. They are sheep-herders and blanket-weavers, and are entirely self-supporting.

After ascending for an hour or so, by a fearful road along the very brink of the precipice, we climbed the crest of the ridge, and looked eastward. We had reached the goal of our journey. The town of the Navajoes was before us. "Voila!" "Mira el pueblo!" "Thar's the town!" "Hurrah!" were the exclamations that broke from the hunters.