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Updated: August 24, 2024

If one just writes this verse: 'Alva, aden, winira mir, Villawissen lingen; Sanchta, wanchta, attazir, Hor de mussen wingen' under the sprig of dill, every one envious, or evil-disposed, who attempts to enter the house, will have to stop short, just where they are, and stand there; they cannot move." "What does the verse mean?" asked Nan, with great eyes. "That, I do not know.

Wherein is the type fulfilled?" Luther to Spalatin, June 8th: "Gegen den Esel von Alveld werde ich menen Angriff so enrichten dass ich des römischen Pabstes nich uneingedenk bin, und werde keinem von beiden etwas schenken. Denn solches erfordert der Stoff mit Nothwendigkeith. Endlicheinmal müssen die Geheimnisse des Antichrist offenbart werden.

O God! to die thus with contumely and disgrace!" The German is still more expressive, "Ach, Gott! ach, Gott! so abkratzen müssen mit Schimpf und Schande!" Such was the life of Caspar Hauser.

The new fame that a man wins raises him afresh over the heads of his fellows, who are thus degraded in proportion. All conspicuous merit is obtained at the cost of those who possess none; or, as Goethe has it in the Westöstlicher Divan, another's praise is one's own depreciation Wenn wir Andern Ehre geben Müssen wir uns selbst entadeln.

Presently the Amazonian attack was renewed. "We shall go onboard," said they. "Very well," said he; "but have patience, have patience!" "No, no. Wann wird man sich einschiffen mussen?" By this time we were in the heart of the village, and surrounded with a whole lot, forty at the least, of Blankanese boatinen.

She kept them at the very bottom of a little satin-wood box the faded sprig of dill wrapped round with the bit of paper on which was written the charm-verse: "Alva, aden, winira mir, Villawissen lingen; Sanchta, wanchta, attazir, Hor de mussen wingen." Dame Dorothea Penny kept a private school. It was quite a small school, on account of the small size of her house.

On one occasion at the piano they heard the entrance bell below clang, announcing a visitor, and Gard, hastening to disappear upstairs, exclaimed: "Wir müssen wir müssen stopfen!" The word for stop would not come to him. Fräulein blushed and snickered and ran off to tell her mother about Herr Kirtley and his German. He was frightened. What absurdity had he uttered?

The pause was infinitesimal, but before he could go on Fraulein Hedwig said: "Ach, Herr Carey, Sie mussen mir nicht du sagen you mustn't talk to me in the second person singular." Philip felt himself grow hot all over, for he would never have dared to do anything so familiar, and he could think of nothing on earth to say.

Made bold by an injudicious mixture of Herr Knapf's excellent beer, and a wonderful punch which Von Gerhard had concocted, Fritz mounted his chair, placed his plump hand over the spot where he supposed his heart to be, fastened his watery blue eyes upon my surprised and blushing countenance, and sang "Weh! Dass Wir Scheiden Mussen!" in an astonishingly beautiful barytone.

The pulpit orators, taking their tip from the Government, are also exhorting their congregations to "hold out and win the war." I know of one pastor in a good section of Berlin, however, who has recently lost considerable influence in his congregation. Sunday after Sunday his text has been, "Wir mussen durchhalten!"

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