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"It's of no use speaking Welsh to them," said the boy; "Welsh isn't strong enough." "Isn't Myn Diawl tolerably strong?" said I. "Not strong enough for horses," said the boy "if I were to say Myn Diawl to my horses, or even Cas Andras, they would laugh at me." "Do the other carters," said I, "use the same English to their horses which you do to yours?"

Though exceedingly busy in public affairs and as receiver of customs, his heart was still with his books, from which only nature could win him: And as for me, though that my wit be lyte, On bokes for to rede I me delyte, And to hem yeve I feyth and ful credence, And in myn herte have hem in reverence So hertely, that ther is game noon That fro my bokes maketh me to goon, But hit be seldom, on the holyday; Save, certeynly, whan that the month of May Is comen, and that I here the foules singe, And that the floures ginnen for to springe Farwel my book and my devocioun!

"Father, father, mother says " and the rest was lost. "Myn Hemel! Myn Hemel! I thought it not so soon," and the fat Dutchman followed the child. A moment later he reappeared, his jolly face clouded with a look of grave concern. "Hi yo big Injun, yo cahn paddle canoe?" Quonab nodded. "Den coom. Annette, pring Tomas und Hendrik."

Nicholas comes to the house he may find something for his donkey or horse to eat, and in return leave presents for them. Having made these preparations, the children ought to sing or repeat verses addressed to the saint. Here is one of them the one they sing at Lierre: "Sinte Niklaes, Nobele Sinte Niklaes! Werpiet in myn Schoentjen Een Appeltjen of een limoentjen!"

And occasionally we find verses of true poetic feeling, such as the following, in "The Fall of Man:" Deus. Adam, that with myn handys I made, Where art thou now? What hast thou wrought? Adam. A! lord, for synne oure floures do ffade, I here thi voys, but I se the nought;

I told him that it was the duty of every gentleman in the militia to be willing at all times to lay down his life in the service of the Queen. The answer which he made I could not exactly understand, his utterance being very indistinct and broken; it was, however, made with some degree of violence, with two or three Myn Diawls, and a blow on the table with his clenched fist.

And deme no man, that I seye it, but for a truffulle: for I have seen of the cannes with myn owne eyzen fulle many tymes lyggynge upon the ryvere of that lake: of the whiche, 20 of oure felowes ne myghten not liften up ne beren on to the erthe. Aftre this yle, men gon be see to another yle, that is clept Calonak: and it is a fair lond and a plentifous of godes.

"Then depend upon it," said I, "that it will not be long before he will either break his neck or knees or he will break your neck or crown. You are not going the right way to work." "Oh, myn Diawl!" said Jenkins, "I know better.

"Now we are more equally matched, myn Heer van Vooren," he said, "and can talk further about that ewe lamb, the only one of the flock. Nay, you need not look for the Kaffir to help you, for he has run after your horse, and at the best he will hardly dare to thrust himself between two angry white men. Come, let us talk, myn Heer."

As always the little village looked upward and listened, pausing in its humble duties as long as their little bell-mistress remained in her tower. After the hymn she played "Myn hart is vol verlangen" and "Het Lied der Vlamingen," and ended with the delicate, bewitching little folk-song, "Myn Vryer," by Hasselt.