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Updated: August 17, 2024

"Will think," she continued, her amusement climbing into her eyes in spite of her, "you're in earnest." "Well, I am, partly. Narcisse knows, as well as we do that there are two sides to the question." He resumed his seat. "I reckon" "Yes," said Narcisse, "and what you muz look out faw, 'tis to git on the soff side." They all laughed.

And that's all he says. I hope you'll hear all about that to-morrow." "Oh, any'ow tha'z the bes' of news!" Castanado said, kissing his wife's hand and each temple. "Doubtlezz he's find some lovely orphan of that hideouz war; we can trus' his good sense, our son. But, Mélanie, he muz' have been sick, away from the front, to make that courtship." "I do not know.

Surely God has been very good to us, and the prospect, that was so dark a while ago, has become very bright and happy." "Fifteen hundred dollars' worth of new marsh at least," said Will, joyously, "and no debt on the farm, no foreclosure, no sheriff's sale! You, muz and Ted, I verily believe I'll have to sell you out after all, to keep you from getting too big!"

"Well, then," Aurora's eyes twinkled like stars, "id muz be bic-ause 'Sieur Frowenfel' bump 'is 'ead ha, ha, ha!" "'Tis nod tru'!" cried Clotilde; but, instead of laughing, as Aurora had supposed she would, she sent a double flash of light from her eyes, crimsoned, and retorted, as the tears again sprang from their lurking-place, "You wand to mague ligue you don't kyah! But I know!

So, when he get well he say, 'Papa, I can' stay any mo' in rue Royale, neither in that vieux carré, neither in that Louisiana. And my grandpère and all that coterie they say: 'To go at Connect-icut, or Kanzaz, or Californie, tha'z no ril-ief; you muz' go at France and Spain, wherever 'tis good to study the iron-work, whiles we are hoping there will be a renaissance in that art and that businezz; and same time only the good God know' what he can cause to happen to lead a child of the faith out of trouble and sorrow.

Well, I'll promise to be polite and nice to Mr. Hand if he should call! Will that do?" "Thank you, muz!" said both the boys together. The copious use of hot water and arnica soon brought Will's face into something like shape, and work on the dike was not greatly hindered. In less than three days more the gap was closed, and the tides finally shut out from the new marsh.

"Very simple," said Richling, with an unpleasant look of expectancy. "Mistoo Itchlin," resumed the other, "do you not fine me impooving in my p'onouncement of yo' lang-widge? I fine I don't use such bad land-widge like biffo. I am shue you muz' 'ave notiz since some time I always soun' that awer in yo' name.

"Still, you don't know her case will be a hard one; it may be very light. But don't talk now." "Well I hope so. Me, I wou'n' take ten thousand dollahs faw thad feveh myself to see that devotion of my wife. You muz 'ave observe', eh?" "Yes, indeed, old man; nobody could help observing. I wouldn't talk any more just now." "No," he insisted, "nobody could eveh doubt.

You see" He drew from his cash-drawer a note resembling the one he had just changed for her, and proceeded to point out certain tests of genuineness. The counterfeit, he said, was so and so. "Bud," she exclaimed, with much dismay, "dad was de manner of my bill! Id muz be led me see dad bill wad I give you, if you pliz, Miché."

Suddenly he darkened imperiously and motioned Flora away. "Now! now's your time! go! now! this instant go!" he exclaimed, and sang on: " I is sent " "Ah!" she cried, "they'll h-ask me about her!" "I don't believe it!" cried he, and sang again: " dey mus' un-deh-stan' " "Yes," she insisted, " muz' undehstan', and they will surely h-ask me!" "Well, let them ask their heads off!

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