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In the meantime the muslins were carefully re-folded a task of some little difficulty, owing to their filmy texture and replaced in the bale. Quite a large pile of small brick-like parcels next came in for a share of Ned's attention. They, like the bales, were enveloped in wax-cloth, and like the jars were singularly heavy.

Wherefore rejoice, ye Continentals, and be thankful, and visit the Nassauese, bringing beef, butter, and beauty, bringing a few French muslins to replace the coarse English fabrics, and buxom Irish girls to outwork the idle negro women, bringing new books, newspapers, and periodicals, bringing the Yankee lecturer, all expenses paid, and his drink found him.

Drawing bridle, to make sure that he saw right, or to find what this strange sign might mean, he presently saw little Phoebe of the mill, who, leaving her basket of muslins on the grass, now came running towards him. Phoebe's regard for Mr. Rollo, it may be said, was second only to her devotion to her mistress.

I am at this time acquainted with a young Gentleman, who has passed a great Part of his Life in the Nursery, and, upon Occasion, can make a Caudle or a Sack-Posset better than any Man in England. He is likewise a wonderful Critick in Cambrick and Muslins, and will talk an Hour together upon a Sweet-meat.

"'White muslin! we said with some pride, for they were new frocks, and splendid in our eyes. "'I have had so many muslins, I am tired of them, she said; 'I shall wear a pink silk to-night. The trimming came from London. Perhaps I may wear a muslin to-morrow; I have an Indian one. But you shall see my dresses to-morrow, my dear girls.

And thereafter each child had its own particular French bonne and governess besides. Our nursery was a model of dainty comfort. All the superficial elegancies were provided for. It was a sunny, dustless apartment, with snow-white muslins, white enamel, and a frieze of grotesque Noah's Ark animals perambulating round the wall.

And I've got you a rise of a pound a week." "What?" Mavis repeated her information. "That'll buy me some summer muslins I've long had my eye on, and one or two bits of jewellery. Then, perhaps, he'll look at me," declared Miss Toombs. What on earth could ever make that attractive?" "Your kind nature," replied Mavis. "You're much too fond of under-valuing your appearance."

Commerce had as many pilgrims as religion. All along the shores of the venerable stream lay great fleets of vessels laden with rich merchandise. From the looms of Benares went forth the most delicate silks that adorned the balls of St. James's and of Versailles; and, in the bazaars, the muslins of Bengal and the sabres of Oude were mingled with the jewels of Golconda and the shawls of Cashmere.

El-Araish exports cork, wool, skins, bark, beans, and grain, and receives in exchange iron, cloth, cottons, muslins, sugar and tea. The lions and panthers of the mountains of Beni Arasis sometimes descend to the plains to drink, or carry off a supper of a sheep or bullock.

"And there's a boxful upstairs, but I think I like the white muslins best, they look so pretty when they are clean, and you don't have to be so careful." "Do you ever get scolded when accidents happen?" "Well, not much. Cousin Eunice is so sweet. Cousin Elizabeth was more particular." "And Miss Winn?" "Oh, my dear Rachel loves me too much," the child said laughingly.