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The ladies and gentlemen, with one or two elder girls, Frederica Fish and Theresa Stanfield and Eloise Gary, congregated into a moving mass of muslins and parasols. While Daisy and Nora were joined by Ella Stanfield; and a great constraint fell upon all three. Ella was a comparative stranger; a nice-looking child, thoughtful and old beyond her years.

The fine dimity of Gondelore; the handkerchiefs of Pellicate and Mussulapatan; the plain, striped, and embroidered muslins of Decca, clear as the day.

'Oh' said I, 'if you mean dotted Swiss muslins, why don't you say so? and Miss White and I stalked out of the shop." "That club of yours is a good thing," said Mr.

He therefore cited the captain up to the Governor, but the affair was amicably arranged by the vice-consul receiving about one quarter of the cargo in bales of silks and muslins.

Prime put her head in at the door; and, seeing Gertrude alone, entered the room, but stood in astonishment on observing the evidences of her recent laborious employment; then, glancing at the fruits of her diligence, she burst forth indignantly, "My sakes alive! Miss Gertrude, I believe you've been doin' up them muslins yourself, after all!" Gertrude smiled, but did not reply.

A little canvas village of tents and booths had sprung up, just beyond the boundaries of the garden, in the green expanse of the park. A crowd thronged its streets, the men dressed mostly in black holiday best, funeral best the women in pale muslins. Here and there tricolour bunting hung inert. In the midst of the canvas town, scarlet and gold and crystal, the merry-go-round glittered in the sun.

As for the guests, they were, as Müller had already told us, all students and grisettes the former wearing every strange variety of beard and blouse; the latter in pretty light-colored muslins and bewitching little caps, with the exception of two who wore flowers in their hair, and belonged to the opera ballet.

Blue and pink and white and green, the various light muslins contrasted with the grey or the white dresses of the gentlemen; while parasols were thrown about, and here and there a red shawl lay upon the ground, for somebody's reclining carpet.

The "notions" of which her cargo consisted seemed, according to the manifest, to comprise more or less of nearly everything that could possibly captivate a savage's fancy; but in addition to these multitudinous articles there were somewhere in the ship a few bales of goods mostly linen, fine muslins, silks, and ready-made clothing consigned to a firm in Valparaiso, which I believed would be of the utmost value to Miss Onslow and myself, if I could but find them, and which, under the circumstances, I felt I could unhesitatingly appropriate to our use.

"Did you look like your photographs?" asked young Mavering, over his shoulder. "Yes; but we didn't know it then," said the Professor's wife. "Neither did we," said the Professor. "We supposed that there had never been anything equal to those hoops and white muslins." "Thank you, my dear," said his wife, tapping him between the shoulders with her fan. "Now don't go any further."