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In the area of accidental injury control, we have established automobile safety standards and increased enforcement activities with respect to the 55 MPH speed limit. By the end of the decade these actions are expected to save over 13,000 lives and 100,000 serious injuries each year. I urge the new Congress to continue strong support for all these activities.

The Colonel walked about the parlor, inspecting his regiment of lamps. By and by Mr. Geordie entered. "Mph! mph!" he sniffed, as he came in. "You smell of lamp-smoke here." That always galls people, to have a new-comer accuse them of smoke or close air, which they have got used to and do not perceive.

In place of the original Morane France now has three types of speed planes, the Maurice Farman, a 110 mph. biplane, the Morane-Saulnier, 111 mph., and Spad, 107 mph. The older Nieuports, too, are fast machines, being capable of more than 100 miles per hour. The new Maurice Farman speed plane is a biplane of small wing area, the upper plane overhanging the lower.

In the area of accidental injury control, we have established automobile safety standards and increased enforcement activities with respect to the 55 MPH speed limit. By the end of the decade these actions are expected to save over 13,000 lives and 100,000 serious injuries each year. I urge the new Congress to continue strong support for all these activities.

Gee, but I'm glad t' see you! Say, old sport, I'm a invalid pipe my bandages, will ye?" "Huh!" grunted the Spider, without glancing up from the wheel he was washing. "Say, old lad," continued Spike, "I guess they told you how I put it all over Bud, eh?" "Mph!" said the Spider, slopping the water about. "Heard how I saved old Geoff from gettin' snuffed out, didn't yer?"

"Your sister is under age, I think?" "She's just nineteen I'm over twenty-two. Can my father prevent her going with me, sir?" "Mph," said the lawyer, pondering. "Do I gather that the young lady is unhappy?" "If she isn't, it's because she has pluck enough for six people, and because she always hopes to get away." "And do you consider that you could support her?"

The Colonel walked about the parlor, inspecting his regiment of lamps. By and by Mr. Geordie entered. "Mph! mph!" he sniffed, as he came in. "You smell of lamp-smoke here." That always galls people, to have a new-comer accuse them of smoke or close air, which they have got used to and do not perceive.

'No? asked the General, with sudden keenness. 'And why are they the very scum of the earth? You don't know the men? Jervase was visibly disconcerted. He stammered as he answered: 'Why, what else but the scum of the earth can they be, to have trumped up a lying case like this? ''Mph! said the General.

He simply stopped washing, leaned forward and surveyed the clean, blank ground a moment, and then remarked: "Mph! Dam stove heap gone!" and resumed his scrubbing as placidly as if it were an entirely customary thing for a stove to do. I will explain, that "heap" is "Injun-English" for "very much." The reader will perceive the exhaustive expressiveness of it in the present instance.

You wouldn't shet me out, would you, Tom? You wouldn't do that, now, WOULD you, Tom?" "Huck, I wouldn't want to, and I DON'T want to but what would people say? Why, they'd say, 'Mph! Tom Sawyer's Gang! pretty low characters in it! They'd mean you, Huck. You wouldn't like that, and I wouldn't." Huck was silent for some time, engaged in a mental struggle.