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'We have had it out, and I am to speak to her when she comes in, said Albinia, glad as perhaps was Sophy of the enigmatical form to which Maurice's presence restrained the communication.

Her face was set towards the sea and its great sincerity, which murmurs against the lies and the deceptions of many lives that defile the land, and takes so many more to itself that they may persist no longer in their evil doing. And perhaps it was her vision of the sea that swept from Lily any desire to be a coquette, or to be maidenly, that is, false. She looked from the sea into Maurice's eyes.

"She must be twice as old as I am; I should think you were a lady when you were twenty-six," she reflected. But because her back was turned to the "lady," she did not, for an instant, understand the loud splash behind them, and Maurice's exclamation, "Capsized!" The jerk of their boat, as he backed water, made it rock violently. "Idiots!" said Maurice.

He lifted his hands to Maurice's striped flannel jacket and thrust two large bunches of flowers and ferns into the two button-holes, to right and left. "Bravo! Now, then." "No, no, signorino! Wait!" "More flowers! But where what, over my ears, too!" He began to laugh. "But " "Si, signore, si! To-day you must be a real Siciliano!" "Va bene!" He bent down his head to be decorated. "Pouf!

Maurice was in each province elected as Nieuwenaar's successor. There was no "eminent head," but the sovereignty in reality, if not in name, was vested during the period with which we have now to deal in this triumvirate. Circumstances provided a favourable field for the display of the youthful Maurice's military abilities.

The aides-de- camp and narrow-waisted lieutenants waltzed better than he did; and as one after the other whisked round the ball-room with Marian firmly clasped in his arms, Maurice's feelings were not of the sweetest. Nor was this the worst of it.

And it was owing to the strenuous exertions of the Advocate that these large sums were voted. A hollow friendship was kept up between the two during the first few years of the truce, but resentment and jealousy lay deep in Maurice's heart. At about the period of the return of Aerssens from his French embassy, the suppressed fire was ready to flame forth at the first fanning by that artful hand.

He even undertook to obtain Maurice's consent to the armistice. The prince listened to his arguments, and was apparently convinced by them. He, at any rate, sanctioned the proposal; but he afterward complained that Barneveldt had deceived him, in representing the negotiation as a feint for the purpose of persuading the kings of France and England to give greater aid to the republic.

And then good-bye to soft speeches. Those fishermen, his friends, his comrades, his world, in fact, should have their mouths shut once for all. He knew how to look after his girl, and they should know that he knew, they and all Marechiaro, and all San Felice, and all Cattaro. His limit, like Maurice's, was that day of the fair, and it was nearly reached.

All greeted the new-comer warmly, and Maurice exclaimed, 'Mamma, I may have a holiday now! 'Not till you have learnt your spelling. There was some sharpness in the tone, and Maurice's shoulder-blades looked sulky. 'In consideration of his uncle, began Mr.