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"Greg, dear," said Magsie seating herself on the arm of his chair, and resting her soft little person against him, "I've been thinking about you, and about the wonderful, WONDERFUL way that all our troubles have come out! If anyone had told us, two months ago, that Rachael would set you free, and that all this would have happened, we wouldn't have believed it, would we?

"Miss Clay," said Mrs. Gardiner with a break in her strong, deep voice, "if you do that may the Lord send you the happiness you give my boy!" She began to cry again. "Why, Mrs. Gardiner," said Magsie in a hurt, childish voice, "I LIKE Richie!" "Well, he likes you all right," said his mother on a long, quivering breath.

But this plan of hers, meaning certain death if it failed, was to be kept a profound secret from every one in the school except Magsie, who would be able to confirm what Hollyhock had done when the day and hour arrived. Hollyhock, having quite made up her mind, at last fell asleep, and next morning went downstairs very calm and peaceful to her usual lessons.

She visited poor ghostie's trunk in the hut, and having secured from her favourite Magsie a large sheet of brown paper and some string, she not only locked the trunk, but took away all signs of the adventure of the night before. The bits of chalk, the sticks of black charcoal, the cloak, the pointed hat, the wig, were all removed.

You know you can't go as far as you like with a girl, Billy," she went on argumentatively, "without paying for it somehow!" "Make him pay!" said the practical Billy. "I don't want just money," Magsie said discontentedly. "I want I don't want to be interfered with. I believe I shall do just that," she went on with a brightening eye. "I'll write him " "Tell him.

He was leaning forward, his hands locked and hanging between his knees, his eyes riveted on the little white figure that was moving and talking down there in the bright bath of light beyond the footlights. Despite all reason, despite her desperate effort at self-control, Rachael felt an agony of pure jealousy seize her. In an absolute passion of envy she looked down at Magsie Clay.

It remained for the beautiful woman in the drawing-room to look with melancholy eyes upon the springtime, and tear out her heart in an agony no human power could cure. "It all rests with Warren," Rachael said. Magsie was nothing, she was nothing; the world, the boys, were nothing. It was for Warren to hold their destinies in his hands and decide for them all.

Mors omnibus est communis would have been jejune, only she liked to know the Latin; but the fortunate gentleman whom every one congratulated because he had a son "endowed with such a disposition" afforded her a great deal of pleasant conjecture, and she was quite lost in the "thick grove penetrable by no star," when Tom called out, "Now, then, Magsie, give us the Grammar!"

She made no claims, she resented nothing, and she schooled herself to praise Magsie, to quote her, and to discuss her. The result was all that she could have hoped.

But what difference did one make? a paltry fifty dollars a year! Perhaps it would be possible not to tell Joe Billy looked in her purse. She had a dollar bill and fifty cents, more than enough to take her to the bank in appropriate style. She signalled a taxicab. Magsie did not see Warren the next day, but they had tea and a talk on the day following.