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What does that mean, and who was it that gave you this warning?" asked Gontram, in amazement. "I do not know. Springing up I ran in the direction whence the words came. I shoved the drapery aside, but could see no one." "No one?" repeated the painter, breathing more freely. "That looks like magic! Are you sure, Spero, that you didn't deceive yourself?"

The capstern went round with a merry tune the boatswain's whistle sounded shrilly along the decks with a magic effect the anchor was hove up the sails were let fall and but a few minutes had passed, after the captain gave the word of command, before the ship, under a wide spread of snowy canvas, was standing down the Solent towards the Needle passage.

"Oh, no," said Naason, "John worked no miracles; whereas they relate deeds done by this man which in truth are wonderful if they are not exaggerated." "As I have," said Herod, "so unexpected an opportunity of seeing him, I am impatient to put his magic skill to the proof." "He will be very willing," said Manasses, "to oblige you in that respect in order to obtain your favor and protection."

Down fell the man across the fallen officer, and then, as if by magic, half-a-dozen wild-looking figures appeared all round him. There was no mistaking their intention. With a yell of fury they rushed on him. Helmar was as cool as if anything but his life depended upon the issue.

Whereas, back there, at home Oh, the magic of those words 'At Home! and 'In England! alike for those who once have seen the white cliffs fade out astern, and for those who have seen them only in dreams, bow on! Everything has been tried and accomplished there.

Suppose we try." "Don't!" said Kathleen. "I think magic things are spiteful. They just enjoy getting you into tight places." "I'd like to try," said Mabel, "only well, everything's been rather upsetting, and I've forgotten what I said anything was." So had the others.

It seemed as though the tempest had seized the ends of the rope, and was dealing terrible blows with them upon her shoulders, her back, and her feet. Meanwhile the little wearer of the wreath was lying on a black cloud opposite to her at Lienhard's feet. She still held the sheet in her hand, and was shouting to the angry elements the magic formulas which it contained.

If that be so, then, we may say, neither is there anything to warrant us in assuming either that religion is developed magic, or magic degraded religion. Spell is not degraded prayer, nor is prayer a superior form of spell: neither does become or can become the other, though man may oscillate, with great rapidity, between the two, and for long may continue so to oscillate.

If any powers of magic, black or white or both, were mixed up with the matter as my experiences in England seemed to suggest, who could say what might be their exact limits? As, however, it has been demonstrated again and again by the learned that no such thing as African magic exists, this line of thought appeared to be too foolish to follow. So passing it by I asked Lord Ragnall to continue.

The loquacious hackmen fell back as if by magic. Daisy was blushing like a rose, terribly embarrassed. John Brooks laughed long and heartily. "That's the quickest way in the world to rid yourself of those torments," he declared, enjoying his little joke hugely. "Why, Daisy, if you had come on alone some of those chaps would have spirited you away without even saying so much as 'by your leave."