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Tested by that standard, the difference between the intelligence of the higher quadrumana the anthropoid apes, the baboons, and several species of the macaques and that of their dumb fellow-creatures is so pronounced that it amounts to a difference of kind as well as of degree.

These animals are petted and fed, and at some of the temples numbers of them come every day for the food which the priests, as well as the people, provide for them. The next group of Eastern monkeys are the Macaques, which are more like baboons, and often run upon the ground. They are more bold and vicious than the others.

At the thought of what might befall the illustrious senora presently, he became gradually overcome with dismay. He voiced it in an agitated murmur. Even Don Pepe lost his serenity for a moment. He leaned forward stiffly. "Listen, Padre. The very fact that those thieving macaques in Sulaco are trying to find out the price of my honour proves that Senor Don Carlos and all in the Casa Gould are safe.

L'homme est bien plus pres des singes anthropomorphes par les caracteres anatomiques de son cerveau que ceux-ci ne le sont non seulement des autres mammiferes, mais meme de certains quadrumanes, des guenons et des macaques."

Vengeance, instinct of. Venus Erycina, priestesses of. Vermes. Vermiform appendage. Verreaux, M., on the attraction of numerous males by the female of an Australian Bombyx. Vertebrae, caudal, number of in macaques and baboons; of monkeys, partly imbedded in the body. Vertebrata, common origin of the; most ancient progenitors of; origin of the voice in air-breathing.

No wonder there are bandits in the Campo when there are none but thieves, swindlers, and sanguinary macaques to rule us in Sta. Marta. However, all the same, a bandit is a bandit, and we shall have a dozen good straight Winchesters to ride with the silver down to Sulaco." Mrs.

Unlike the grazing deer and the deer-eating panther, the frugivorous monkeys of the tropics are the direct competitors of the intolerant lord of creation. The Chinese macaques, the Moor monkey, the West-African baboons, have to eke out a living by pillage. The Gibraltar monkey has hardly any other resources. Nor has nature been very generous in the physical equipment of the species.

All the Cebidae, both long-tailed and short-tailed, are equally dwellers in trees. The scarlet-faced monkey lives in forests, which are inundated during great part of the year, and is never known to descend to the ground; the shortness of its tail is, therefore, no sign of terrestrial habits, as it is in the Macaques and Baboons of the Old World.

Cats, dreaming; tortoise-shell; enticed by valerian; colours of. Cattle, rapid increase of, in South America; domestic, lighter in winter in Siberia; horns of; domestic, sexual differences of, late developed; numerical proportion of the sexes in. Caudal vertebrae, number of, in macaques and baboons; basal, of monkeys, imbedded in the body. Cavolini, observations on Serranus.

A large herd of macaques lives in the grounds and at a few chuckling calls from the native attendants will come trooping over the walls for the food which is kept on sale at the gate. These animals are surprisingly tame and make most amusing pets.