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Updated: August 2, 2024

"Can't yer say what he's gwine to do, widout any of dem dern outlandish Spanish 'spressions." "'Twarn't Spanish, lubly one," said 'Dolf, greatly delighted at the effect his grandiloquent language had produced. "Sometimes I do 'dulge in far away tongues jist from habit; its' trabeling so much, you know." "Don't know nothin' about it, and don't want to," interrupted Clorinda.

Why, chile, it makes my ol' heart ache when I t'ink of sich a lubly creature as yo' bein' buried alive 'way off in de woods." "But I don't intend to be buried alive, Mammy. I hope to live a good many years yet, and only buried when I am dead." "Ah, chile, dere is more ways den one of bein' buried alive.

"'What on airth do you mean, sais she, 'you blockhead; it might as well mind you of tunder. "'Well, Missus, sais I, 'now sometimes one ting does mind me of anoder ting dat way; I nebber sees you, Missus, but what you mind me ob de beautiful white lily, and dat agin ob de white rose dat hab de lubly color on his cheek.

Now old Moses had seen too many arrivals and departures to and from Rockhold to feel much emotion at this news; besides he had no idea of the gravity of this departure. So he only touched his old felt hat and said: "Eh, young mist'ess, hopes how yer'll hab a monsous lubly time! Country is dull for de young folks in de winter. Gwine to de city, s'pose, young mist'ess?"

I am t'inkin' of de lonely life in de woods, wif no nice young men to look at yer pretty face, lubly eyes, an' beau'ful hair. An' ye'll hab no chance to wear fine clothes an' be admired." "Mammy." There was a note in the girl's voice which caused the colored woman to glance quickly up. "What is it, chile?" "I want to tell you something, Mammy.

"You done gone crazy and sure for't." "I'm an honorary member, and have got to wear a silk shield, I tell you." Granny went home, shaking her head and saying, "I do b'lieve she's losin' her mind sure, and dat am mournfu' in one so young an' lubly." "Please, aunty, lend me your wash-stick." As he spoke Charlie was all excitement, running eagerly from the barn into the house.

In unrestrained feeling, pathetic yearning, and exquisite tenderness of expression, it was unmistakably and appallingly personal and sincere. It was true the lips spoken of were "lubly," the eyes alluded to were like "lightenin' bugs," but from the voice and gestures of the singer Mrs.

As they came in sight of the home camp, Jerry broke out with: "Say, she looks some nice, with the two tents standing there, and old Toby working around." "Do you see Bluff?" asked Frank, a trifle uneasily. "Why, no, but what makes you say that?" "I've got a suspicion about him, that's all Hello, Toby, everything all right?" "Sho, Marse Frank, eberything am lubly an' de goose hangs high."

"I am, but still I think I'll survive," was the answer. Proceeding to the stable, Merry called Toots, who promptly appeared, jerking off his cap and bowing as he showed his teeth in a grin. "How'd do, Marsa Frank good mawnin', sah," he said. "How'd do, Mist' Hodge? What ken Ah do fo' yo' dis lubly mawnin'?" "Hitch the span into the surrey," said Merry. "I want you to drive us to the station."

"'Well, you is a wonderful man, Mr Sorrow, sais Miss Phillis, 'I do really tink dat stands to reason and experience. When I married my fiff husband no, it warn't my fiff, it was my sixth I had lubly baby tree month old, and my old man killed it maken speriments. He would give it soup and minced veal to make it trong. "'I is most afeard she is too much a slave to fashion, sais I.

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