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But in spite of his miserable and narrow surroundings Lincoln grew up to be a great, broad-minded loveable man. He was very anxious to learn, and he taught himself nearly all he knew, for in all his life he had only two or three months of school. The few books he could lay hands on he read again and again till he almost knew them by heart. Lincoln grew to be a great, lanky, hulking boy.

She believed that Jasper had been thinking of her throughout the day and that she was always much in his mind. Margaret somewhat divined her thoughts and twined her arms around her neck. "I believe he thinks a great deal of you, dear," she said, "and I am so glad. It is only natural, for who could resist you? You are as sweet and loveable as can be.

For you cannot love any one because you are told to love them. You can only love them because they are loveable and worthy of your love. And that they will not be, unless they are loving themselves; as it is written, we love God because he first loved us. Now, friends, look at this one thing first. When we see any man do a just action, or a kind action, do we not like to see it?

Let him be loveable, let him be constant, that only rendered Ermine's condition the more pitiable, and the shining glance of her eyes was almost more than Alison could bear.

"Do I horrify you?" "No: you don't horrify me," Amabel replied. Her voice was gentle, almost musing; she was absorbed in her contemplation. "You see," said Lady Elliston, "you didn't play the game: you made a mess of things and put the other players out. If you had stayed, and kept your lover, you would have been, in my eyes, a less loveable but a wiser woman.

She felt that in a minute he would raise a quite different face. And it flashed through her: "If I loved him I wouldn't mind what he did ever! Why don't I love him? There's something loveable. Why don't I?" He did raise his face; his eyes lighted on the baby, and he grinned. "Look at this!" he said. "Is it possible? Oh, my Gyp, what a funny one! Oh, oh, oh!"

At the sight of her he had the strange feeling of the traveller in a desert in summer at the sight of a river. And she opened her eyes, saw that he was handsome and loveable, and left her couch in confusion. But she welcomed him and with downcast eyes that seemed like full-blown lotuses she did honour to his feet. Then she slowly spoke: "Who are you, sir?

Celt and Saxon are much inmixed with us, but the prevalence of Saxon blood is evinced by the public disregard of any Celtic conception of the honourable and the loveable; so that the Celt anxious to admire is rebutted, and the hatred of a Celt, quick as he is to catch at images, has a figure of hugeous animalism supplied to his malign contempt.

Evolution may lead the creature to say what is hateful and what is loveable, what is painful and what is delightful, what is to be feared and what is to be sought; it may develope the sentiment which comes nearest of all to the sentiment of reverence, namely, the sentiment of shame; but it cannot reveal the eternal character of the distinction between right and wrong.

Jane is, perhaps, more angel than woman, but then a good woman who loves is so often truly angelic with an admixture of human passion that makes her more loveable as well as more loving than any angel ever was, that we cannot find fault with poor Jane's perfection. In reading this book we cannot but remark the common nature of its subject in women's novels nowadays.