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Fortunately, their occupations save most of them from the invalidism of the women. You think Mary Marvel beautiful?" "No not beautiful, perhaps, but very, very pretty, and so loveable!"

Then she departed with the herald to the king's palace, and told her whole story to his majesty and the royal family, who were not in the least surprised, for everybody believed in fairies, and everybody longed to have a fairy godmother. For the young prince, he found her more lovely and loveable than ever, and insisted upon marrying her immediately.

"And yet," said an old priest, "his brother, who left us some years ago, and who had chosen me for his guide and teacher, was a particularly loveable and docile youth." "And his father," said Ameni, "was one of the most superior energetic, and withal subtle-minded of men." "Then he has derived his bad peculiarities from his mother?" "By no means. She is a timid, amiable, soft-hearted woman."

The good lady, whom we have no intention whatever of describing, was a splendid specimen of the widowed matron in comfortable circumstances, with just enough threads of silver shining amid her dark hair, to make her matron-hood sacred and all the more loveable.

"It is that which horrifies me, my dear, I never felt anything so exquisite in my life before, but then think of the sin with my own nephew! it is quite an incestuous connection." "What does that matter, dear aunt? for I shall call you aunt too, you are so loveable and so beautiful.

Some such idea of Toleration, but still with perplexing limitations as to the amount of deviation that should be tolerated, was, I believe, the idea that had dawned on the minds of men like the loveable Hales and the hardy Chillingworth. It is much the sort of Toleration that accredits itself to the average British mind yet.

It is to me one of the saddest sights on the face of the earth, a thoroughly estimable and loveable old man, whom one cannot but venerate, made the mouthpiece of ecclesiastics who are pulling the wires of policy, and declared to be the medium of divinely infallible judgement.

But in the character of Robert Emmet there was such a rare combination of admirable qualities, and in his history there are so many of the elements of romance, that the man stands before our mental vision as a peculiarly noble and loveable being, with claims upon our sympathies that are absolutely without a parallel.

'It means, she answered slowly after a pause, 'to me, different things in different people. All sorts of contradictions, I believe! In mamma, as they tell of her, it meant everything beautiful, and loving, and loveable, and tender. And it puts Dr. Maryland away off up in the sky, I think. And it just blinds Prim, so that she cannot comprehend common mortals.

In the middle of these monsters browses Germany, very white and woolly-haired and loveable, a little lamb among the nations, artlessly only wanting to love and be loved, weak physically compared to its towering neighbours, but strong in simplicity and the knowledge of its gute Recht.