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Each of the Idylls, which has a connecting thread binding it to its fellow-allegory, takes its plot or fable from the legendary lore that has clustered round the name of Arthur, mythical King of the Britons about the era of the first invasion by the English.

Penne's popular novel factory. MR. PENNE Good morning, Miss Lore. Glad to see you so prompt. We should finish that June installment for the Epoch to-day. Leverett is crowding me for it. Are you quite ready? We will resume where we left off yesterday. MISS LORE Excuse me; you mean "rose from her knees," instead of "his," don't you? MR. PENNE Er no "his," if you please.

It was here, no doubt, that Jasmin gathered much of the traditionary lore which he afterwards wove into his poetical ballads. Jasmin had his moments of sadness. He was now getting a big fellow, and his mother was anxious that he should receive some little education. He had not yet been taught to read; he had not even learnt his A B C. The word school frightened him.

The western Apaches or the Shoshones, with their antiquities and ruins of departed glory, will unfold to the student's mind long pages of a thrilling interest, while in their metaphors and rich phraseology, the linguist, learned in Asiatic lore, will easily detect their ancient origin.

See Keary's "Outlines of Primitive Belief," 1882, p. 98. "Indo-European Tradition and Folk-lore," p. 159. "Mystic Trees and Shrubs," Fraser's Magazine, Nov. 1870, p. 599. "Sacred Trees and Flowers," Quarterly Review, July 1863, pp. 231, 232. "Myths and Myth Makers," p. 55. See "Flower Lore," pp. 38, 39. Kelly's "Indo-European Folk-lore," p. 179.

These three sources of information give us the same tale, as we shall see. Before proceeding to a consideration of this three-fold evidence, let us pause for a moment and consider the relation of the Magi to Astrology. To understand the narrative of the Magi's Visit to Jesus, we must remember that they were the very Masters of Astrological Lore.

And our geographical lore is vague enough to impede us but slightly in our hopes of obtaining information from any quarter. Only the probability seems to be increased if the newcomer arrives from the direction in which our friend departed. "Sure she might so," said Ody. "But niver a tell she'll tell onless she happens to take the notion in the quare ould head of her.

"A caller interrupted me yesterday, a most persistent fellow and a dangerous one to the purse of the tyro collector of Americana, though not to me. He was a man of some pretence to classic education, and superficially versed in lore of title, date, and editio princeps.

Peter's key, St. Paul's sword, St. Catherine's wheel, and St. Barbara's tower soon become familiar symbols to those fond of this kind of lore. Among the idealized presences about the Virgin's throne may sometimes be seen the prosaic figure of the donor, whose munificence has made the picture possible.

Of course, so long as the geocentric and anthropocentric illusions dominate, it is natural that the lore of stability should impress itself upon science and life. How could this living atom, which the human being is, undertake to change that order of creation, which makes of the earth the center of the universe and of man the center of life?