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Caleb's comment was: "I didn't say nothing to un because I were only a leetel boy and he were a old man; but I knowed better than that all the time, because them people in the Bible they was never in England at all, so how could they sacrifice on White Bustard Down in Wiltsheer?" It was no idle boast on his part.

Liddy was always a "leetel chap," and looked no more than nine when twelve, so that he could do no heavy work; but he was a very willing and active little fellow, with a sweet temper, and so lively and full of fun as to be a favourite with everybody in the village.

"No, sir; by Boulogne" "C'est bon; quel age avez vous. What old, ma belle?" "Nineteen, sir, in June." "And are you alone, quite, eh?" "No, sir, my little girl." "Ah! your leetel girl c'est fort bien je m'appercois; and your name?" "Fanny Linwood, sir." "C'est fini, ma chere, Mademoiselle Fanni Linwood," said the old man, as he wrote down the name.

I sends un cartel you comprends to ze gros bon ami de ma Marie, ce cochon d'un epicier! We meets in ze Bois: I gives him one leetel tierce en carte dat spoils his lovemakings for awhile; and, I leeves France again for evers dat is, unless ma patrie and ze sacred cause of ze Republique Francaise calls upon me but, not till den! So, you sees, my youngish friends, dat oders suffer like yourselfs.

I got on the train all right, resolving that I would not speak another word of English while in Ireland, and forthwith turned into a Russian, who could speak 'une veree leetel Francais, confident that I should not be in danger of exposure by encounter with any one who could speak the Russian language. I threw away the ordinary Scotch cap I had been wearing, and put on the Glengarry.

The foreigner, for example, who politely, hat in hand, "beseeched Our Young Ladies, and our Missis," for a "leetel gloss hoif prarndee," and who, after being repelled, on trying to help himself, exclaims, "with hands clasped and shoulders riz: 'Ah! is it possible this; that these disdaineous females are placed here by the administration, not only to empoisen the voyagers, but to affront them!

There was a Foreigner, which having politely, with his hat off, beseeched our young ladies and Our Missis for "a leetel gloss host prarndee," and having had the Line surveyed through him by all and no other acknowledgment, was a- proceeding at last to help himself, as seems to be the custom in his own country, when Our Missis, with her hair almost a-coming un-Bandolined with rage, and her eyes omitting sparks, flew at him, cotched the decanter out of his hand, and said, "Put it down!

Then I thought I know'd how 'twas: Mrs. Gaarge, she'd a been to see Mrs. Durk in the village, and Mrs. Durk she were coming out a leetel way with her, so far as the stepping-stones, and they wur just having a last leetel talk before saying Good night. But mind, I hear'd no talking when I passed 'n. An' I'd hardly got past 'n before I says, Why, what a fool be I! Mrs.

"Bon jour, miladi Lucy," she exclaimed as she entered Lady Lucy's sanctum; "need not inquire of health, you look si charmante. Oh, si belle! that make you wear old clothes so longer dan oder ladies, and have so leetel for me to buy.

"No, sir; by Boulogne" "C'est bon; quel age avez vous. What old, ma belle?" "Nineteen, sir, in June." "And are you alone, quite, eh?" "No, sir, my little girl." "Ah! your leetel girl c'est fort bien je m'appercois; and your name?" "Fanny Linwood, sir." "C'est fini, ma chere, Mademoiselle Fanni Linwood," said the old man, as he wrote down the name.