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And it appears the villain takes delight in it, an' makes lashins of money by the trade." "Nancy Gallaher, dear." "And were you ever married, Nancy?" "If I wasn't the fau't was my own, ahagur! but I'll tell you more about that some day. No, then, I was not, thank God!" "Thank God! Well, throth, it's a quare thing to thank God for that, at any rate." This, of course, was parenthetical.

So I answered that I was engaged that evening. We were just organising night-classes for the young men of the parish, and the vicar was to open the first, with a short address, at half-past six. "'You'll be back in lashins o' time, the farmer assured me. "This put me fairly in a corner.

They explained this many times to Sir John, and Sir John explained it to us; and learning that we were English, and therefore friends of liberty, they forced us to drink wine with them lashins of wine until just as my head was beginning to feel muzzy, some one called out that we were heroes and must drink the wine of heroes, the pride of Otta, the Invincible St. Cyprien.

The only time the train had to be stopped for him was when the engineer had a successful right and left, the victims of which expired at some distance from each other. It should be said that there was absolutely no reason to hurry on this trip, as we had "lashins" of time to spare for our connection at the junction, and the passengers were all much interested in the sport.

"Cast over them corks, Sim Udy! How much rope have 'ee got, Jim?" He began to strip as he spoke. "Lashins," answered Jim Lewarne. "Splice it up, then, an' hitch a dozen corks along it." "Zeb, Zeb!" cried his father, "What be 'bout?" "Swimmin'," answered Zeb, who by this time had unlaced his boots. "The notion! Look here, friends take a look at the bufflehead!

The sum is so small that one is constrained to believe the report that Sir William Wilde in his later years kept practically open house "lashins of whisky and a good larder," and was besides notorious for his gallantries.

"Your time!" responded Shane Fadh, with contempt; "ay, and your father's afore you: my father doesn't remimber more nor seeing his funeral, and a merry one it was; for my grandfather, and some of them that had a respect for the family and his forbarers, if they hadn't it for himself, made up as much money among them as berried him dacently any how, ay, and gave him a rousin' wake into the bargain, with lashins of whiskey, stout beer, and ale; for in them times God be with them every farmer brewed his own ale and beer; more betoken, that one pint of it was worth a keg of this wash of yours, Ned."

"At first I didn't mind it much," he went on, "there bein' lashins to eat aboard, an' more to drink than me an' Jack ever'd hoped to get a show at in all our lives. But pretty soon Jack he begun to be worryin'. He'd get drunk, an' then he'd set an' stare at me like a damn owl jest a-blinkin' and a-blinkin' his damn eyes.

Didn' have drouth in does days. "Any kine of lan' would produce. Ah use ter get a many lashin bout pickin cotton. Ah couldn' pick until ah got dem lashins. Some fokes say lashin don' help but ah clare dey do. "Ah use ter pick cotton and sing. Ah can recollect so well de song. Hit went lak dis: Me an' mah wife had a fallin out She wanted me ter work on de railroad track Etc.

But 'twas too late, Uncle Philip having had fair warning and plenty of time to flee up towards the little secret hold under Mabel Down, where none but two families knew how to find him. All the town, though, knew he was safe, and lashins of women and children turned out to see the comely soldiers hunt in vain till ten o'clock at night. The next thing was to billet the warriors.