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So another phase began for Nelsen. Offices bored him. Amassing money, per se, meant little to him, except as a success symbol that came out of the life he had known. He figured that a man ought to be a success, even a rough-and-tumble romantic like Ramos, or Joe Kuzak. Or himself, with both distance and home engrained confusingly into his nature. One thing that Nelsen was, was conscientious.

They're just like anybody... Art is all of sudden sort of liberal the way he gets when things seem to break right." Everything went fine for quite a while. Art Kuzak was out playing his hunches, giving easy terms to those who couldn't pay at once. "Might as well gamble," he growled from the distance. "Space and terrestrial forces are still poised.

If anything will approach answering all problems, they will. And KRNH is as well able to put them into effect as anybody... So unless you've got some better suggestions?" Art Kuzak looked the sketches over shrewdly for half an hour. "All right, Frank," he said after some further conversation. "It looks good enough. I'll chip in. Whether they're sucker bait or not, these things will sell.

There'll be a way to find the Kuzak twins." Ramos chuckled recklessly. "Let's not forget to pack these historical objects in our nets. Especially that camera, or whatever it is. Money in the bank at last, boy..." But after they set out, it wasn't long before they knew that two people were following them. There was no place to hide. And a mocking voice came into their phones.

"I know something else," said Joe Kuzak he and his tough twin had returned to Jarviston by then, as had all the others who had visited their homes. "There's a desperate individual around, again. Tiflin. He appealed his test and lost. Kind of a good guy someways..."

"So you latched onto Art Kuzak, too. Or was it the other way around?" Frank's smile was lopsided. "I didn't analyze motives. Art's a pretty good guy. I suppose we just wanted to help Joe and him out. Or maybe it was instinct. Anyhow, what's wrong with latching onto or being latched onto by somebody whom you feel will get himself and you ahead, and make you both a buck?" "Check.

"Shucks, Paul, this is a well-focused beam. Besides it's pointing Earthward and sunward; not toward the Belt, where most of the real mean folks are..." But he sounded defensive, and very soon he said, "'Bye for now, Paul." A little later, Frank Nelsen contacted Art Kuzak, out in the Asteroid Belt, across a much greater stretch of space.

"But an hour ago Joe Kuzak beamed me, and said you'd be along with some museum stuff... Les lives here, now, working with the new Archeological Institute." "Hi-hi good to see you guys," Ramos said. "Likewise. Hello, Les," Frank put in. While Frank was gripping David Lester's limp, diffident hand, which seemed almost to apologize for his having come so far from home, Gimp teased a little.

This had begun to annoy big Art Kuzak. For one thing, Tiflin was doing his trick too close to the mass of crinkly, cellophane-like stuff draped over a horizontal wooden pole suspended by iron straps from the ceiling. The crinkly mass was one of the Bunch's major projects their first space bubble, or bubb which they had been cutting and shaping with more care and devotion than skill.

"Okay, Art you seem like a formal fella. Mex and I joined up and helped out pretty much as informal company members. But as long as we've put in our dough, let's make it official, in writing and signed. The KRNH Enterprises Kuzak, Ramos, Nelsen and Hines. The 'H' could also stand for Hendricks Paul Hendricks." "I like it that way, you suspicious slob," Art Kuzak chuckled.