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After you've changed your method from rifle to shotgun, you'll bag your share, and you'll come back fitter for work. I must arrange it." "As to that," suggested Farbish, in the manner of one regarding the civilities, "Mr. South can run down to the Kenmore. I'll have a card made out for him." "Don't trouble," demurred Lescott, coolly, "I can fix that up."

Now it might seem strange to more social minds that people from a distant city could come summer after summer to the same spot and yet remain unknown to their nearest neighbours; but Kenmore was not a social community. It had all the reserve of its English heritage combined with the suspicion of its Indian taint, and it took strangers hard.

"I wish I'd been here to go with them," I considered. "How do you suppose I'll be able to get out there, now?" "You might be able to hire a tug," shrugged Kenmore. "The only one I know is that of Captain Guiteras. He's the father of this Dolores I told you about."

"I am so interested in it all." Gorham acquiesced with a shrug of his shoulders which the girl saw and felt. "I don't know but that we have covered the situation, anyway," he said to Covington. "I shall see Kenmore to-morrow, and if he can be persuaded to join us, the Consolidated Companies will be just that much strengthened.

"Another cup of the tea, Mary Terhune, and make it stronger. I begin to feel the bitter in my toes." And while this talk and more like it was permeating Kenmore, Jerry-Jo, adorned and uncomfortable, did his own thinking and planned his own plans after the manner of his mixed inheritance.

"King owns the stage-line from Osage to Laurel, where the Bay State gets its mail, and he owns Kenmore, a mining-camp in the west half uh White Divide. We can go around by Kenmore, if we want to but King's Highway? Nit!" I chuckled to myself to think of all the things I could twit dad about if ever he went after me again.

The President rose, signifying that the conference was ended, and Gorham left the White House in company with Senator Kenmore and the Attorney-General. The latter wore a serious expression upon his face.

He didn't come back that night, and the next day Perry Potter, who knows well the strange freaks cowboys will sometimes take when they have been working steadily for a long time, suggested that I ride over to Kenmore and see if Frosty was there, and try my powers of persuasion on him unless he was already broke; in which case, according to Perry Potter, he would come back without any persuading.

Then, strangely enough, Travers realized that he was very tired. He excused himself, and, walking back through the dim city streets to the Ledyard home, he thought of Kenmore and the old lodge as he had not for years. "I believe I'll run up there this summer," he muttered half aloud. "I'll take mother and urge Doctor Ledyard to join us.

I ate my dinner dejectedly in the hotel the dinner was enough to make any man dejected and started home again. The Broken Motor-car. Out where the trail from Kenmore intersects the one leading from Laurel to and through King's Highway, I passed over a little hill and came suddenly upon a big, dark-gray touring-car stalled in the road. In it Beryl King sat looking intently down at her toes.