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A dozen of the guards were yelling their protests at the invasion, and a spurt of fire preluded the booming of Zimmerman's shotgun. "Get your man into the car and beat it," I shouted to Raynor, thinking an attempt was about to be made to rescue the prisoner. The touring-car left just as a Barton taxi flashed into the driveway.

They had forty or fifty polo ponies, for instance, and every spring the place was filled with polo men. At the depot they caught sight of Charlie Carter, in his big red touring-car. "Are you going to the Havens's?" he said. "Tell them we're going to pick up Chauncey on the way." "That's Chauncey Venable, the Major's nephew," said Oliver, as they strolled to the train.

"It is just the right kind of watch for a little girl like you," admired the Doctor; "neither too large nor too ornamental." "It is beautiful!" sighed Polly rapturously. "Is n't Colonel Gresham nice to give it to me?" The Doctor smiled an emphatic "Yes," which rejoiced Polly's heart. She had been afraid he would shake his head, as he had shaken it over the touring-car.

It was only a few minutes after Evan Blount's train had steamed Ophir-ward out of the Sierra Avenue station that a dust-covered touring-car drew up at the curb in front of the Inter-Mountain, and the same porter who had put Blount's hand-bag into the taxicab opened the tonneau door for two ladies in muffling motor-coats and heavy veils.

After awhile they heard the door close. But there was no sound from the electric hansom, and Mortimer rose and walked to the window. "He's gone," he said. Lydia stood at the desk, examining the cheque. "We ought to afford a decent touring-car now," she suggested "like that yellow and black Serin-Chanteur car of Mr. Plank's."

But there was a spiritual fire within her which needed no outward symbol; a flame that leaped and burned steadily. Far off she heard the chug of a motor not the Ford now, but a big touring-car that glistened in the sun. She knew that Gilbert would be returning from Bisbee at just about this hour, and she could hardly wait to see him turn in.

He would have said that she was seated in a low-bodied, red wagon, were it not that if such had been the case he must have seen the horses. "An automobile!" he guessed. He rode on a score of steps and stopped again. Sure enough, there she sat at the steering-wheel of a long, rakish touring-car, the slump of her shoulders vaguely hinting at despair and perhaps a stalled engine.

My report of the behavior of the compass only confirmed him in his opinion. As we turned to the stairs we took in a full view of the room. A faro-layout was purchasing Senator Danfield a new touring-car every hour at the expense of the players.

I don't know whether he called it idling or not, but once or twice when I glanced back at him that touring-car was bounding like a reindeer over some of the rougher places in the trail, and I rather fancy it got some of the mud shaken off its running-gear before it pulled up behind the upper stable at Alabama Ranch.

Then they left the station and got into the tonneau of a touring-car, which shot away and did not stop until it drew up before that imposing embassy upon which the French will always look with more or less suspicion. The most beautiful blue Irish eyes in the world gazed out at the dawn which turned night-blue into day-blue and paled the stars.