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My report of the behavior of the compass only confirmed him in his opinion. As we turned to the stairs we took in a full view of the room. A faro-layout was purchasing Senator Danfield a new touring-car every hour at the expense of the players.

What I did notice, however, was a faro-layout and a hazard-board, but as no one was playing at either, my eye quickly travelled to a roulette-table which stretched along the middle of the room. Some ten or a dozen men in evening clothes were gathered watching with intent faces the spinning wheel. There was no money on the table, nothing but piles of chips of various denominations.

What I did notice, however, was a faro-layout and a hazard-board, but as no one was playing at either, my eye quickly traveled to a roulette-table which stretched along the middle of the room. Some ten or a dozen men in evening clothes were gathered watching with intent faces the spinning wheel. There was no money on the table, nothing but piles of chips of various denominations.

The actor took this as a joke, and with a grin retorted: "That's better than running a faro-layout." "I dunno; a good quiet game has its power to educate a man," replied the gambler. That night, as she was preparing the Captain for bed, he remarked, with a sigh: "Life is a quare game!

My report of the behaviour of the compass only confirmed him in his opinion. As we turned to the stairs we took in a full view of the room. A faro-layout was purchasing Senator Danfield a new touring-car every hour at the expense of the players.