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Weeks' thin face looked very white, and Dane noticed with malicious enjoyment, that Ali had an unobtrusive grip on the table which made his knuckles stand out in polished knobs proving that there were things which could upset the imperturbable Kamil. Fortunately they were not required to empty that flowing bowl in one gulp as Groft had done.

James Cantine began mission work in 1891, and ever since that time he and others have been ploughing and sowing seed and waiting for the showers that come before the harvest. It was at Busrah that Kamil Abd el Messiah, the Moslem convert from Syria, died a witness for Christ. Have you read the wonderful story of his life?

You, and any of your superiors who can be proven to have had knowledge of such deviation." "I am familiar with the articles of war, as detailed in the pact," Joe said dryly. "And now, gentlemen, I am afraid my duty calls me." He bowed stiffly, saluted correctly. "A pleasure to make your acquaintance Colonel Majumdur, Major Kamil. Colonel Arpád, a pleasure to renew acquaintance."

Ali stared at the opposite wall as if it were a bank of machinery he must master. "It just might be whirly enough to work " Kamil commented softly. "Or maybe we've been spaced too long and the Whisperers have been chattering into our ears. What about it, Rip, could you set us down close enough to Center Block there?" "We can try anything once. But we might crash the old girl bringing her in.

Ali registered faint amusement, an expression which tended to rouse the worst in the spectator, as Dane knew of old when that same mocking appraisal had been turned on him as the rawest of the Queen's crew. "But does he wish to speak to you?" countered Kamil. "Just stay where you are, Eysie, until we are sure about that fact." That was his cue to act as messenger.

The Cargo-apprentice smeared his hand across his chin and brought it away red and sticky. Luckily his teeth remained intact. "We need Hovan to read them more law," observed Kamil. "You should have medical attention." Dane dabbed at his mouth. He didn't need all that solicitude, but he guessed that Ali was talking for the benefit of those who now kept them under surveillance.

"How's Tang feeling?" "Fine why?" The Com-tech had come up behind Kamil and was answering for himself. "Why this interest in the state of my health?" "Frank's down with something in isolation," Rip replied bluntly. "Did he do anything out of the ordinary when we were off ship?" For a long moment the other stared at Shannon and then he shook his head. "No.

At the same time he notably encouraged Moslem learning, built colleges, and developed the resources of the kingdom in every way. What had happened to the dynasties of Tulun, Ikhshid, and the Fatimides, was repeated on the death of Kamil.

If that label stuck on the crew of the Queen, they had practically no chance at all. And when he saw that Ali was no longer inclined to retort, he knew that fact had dawned upon Kamil also. It would all depend upon how big an impression their broadcast had made. If public opinion veered to their side then they could defend themselves legally.

"Whew out in the open with you !" Ali Kamil apprentice Engineer, screwed his too regular features into an expression of extreme distaste and waved Dane by him in the corridor. For the sake of his shipmates' olfactory nerves, Dane hurried on to the port which gave on the ramp now tying the Queen to Sargol's crust.