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Updated: August 2, 2024

Therefore, the sorry scribblers who have made him out a hypocrite, showed plainly that they knew him not, since he was a good friend, good at repartee, and a jollier fellow than any of them. It was he who said when he was in a merry mood, that four things are excellent and opportune in life to keep warm, to drink cool, to stand up hard, and to swallow soft.

But there was more than siller to count in the profits of the tours Mac and I made together. He became and has always remained one of my best and dearest friends man never had a better. And a jollier companion I can never hope to find. We always lived together; it was easier and cheaper, too, for us to share lodgings.

But none of us give our minds to stuff like this arter the glorious Christmas dinner that we'd quarried out of the Mary Auguster. Every man that wasn't on duty went below and turned in fur a snooze all 'cept me, an' I didn't feel just altogether satisfied. To be sure, I'd had an A1 dinner, an', though a little mixed, I'd never eat a jollier one on any Christmas that I kin look back at.

She spoke of Hal, and he immediately exclaimed: "Hal is a ripper, isn't she? I can't help teasing her, you know; it's the best fun in the world." "Do you usually tease your feminine friends?" she asked. "I've no doubt you have a great many." "Oh, no, I haven't. Men pals are far jollier." "Still, I expect your inches bring you many fair admirers."

I don't know; it's much jollier reading out of doors, if you can do it." "As long as he does read. Well, it will be a regular sell if he comes to grief; the Fifth will be intolerable." "They're not far short of that now. Hullo!" This exclamation was provoked by the sight of Loman in the playground under their window.

Aurora returned to the tea-table; with a disengaged air she reached for plum-cake. She ascertained with comfort that Mrs. Foss did not look sad or Estelle ill used; that the abbé was as serene as ever and Miss Seymour, after her talk with Mrs. Foss, rather serener than usual. Gerald was far jollier than any of his portraits.

His father wanted to do it up in English style, dinner to the tenantry, and all that sort of thing, only unluckily there wasn't any tenantry, and he had to abandon the benevolent role and take to a jollier one. He won't show off as well, but we'll have a deal more fun. It's to be a sort of royal picnic, but in the evening, mind, wasn't that a brilliant idea for the old gentleman?

He was one of our alumni, liked our gossip, and could supplement our stories with those of the jollier days twenty-five or thirty years before. Harry and I nearly died of suppressed laughter as he gravely informed us that he had expected the valedictory, and was served badly when it was given to another.

"What an old bear I must seem to you " His sentence broke off as the Countess Masco interrupted them. "Come along, John you'll play, won't you? We are waiting!" Count Rosso had already deserted Zoya for the green table. "Do you need me?" Derby asked. "Of course we do! The more the jollier; it is dreadfully dull without a lot."

But she would think, "No, no; one mustn't grumble. It can't be helped." Ansell was wrong in sup-posing she might ever leave Rickie. Spiritual apathy prevented her. Nor would she ever be tempted by a jollier man. Here criticism would willingly alter its tone. For Agnes also has her tragedy. She belonged to the type not necessarily an elevated one that loves once and once only.

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