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The little brown frock was just right, and the ribbon that was tied round her hair. I'll tell you what she reminded me of a good deal Romney's 'Parson's Daughter. "What a find for my first day at Priorsford! "I went to tea with the Jardines and I never was at a nicer tea-party. We said poems to each other most of the time.

The Jardines traversed a route more westerly than Kennedy's along the eastern shores of the Gulf of Carpentaria to Cape York. In 1865, Duncan McIntyre, while on the Flinders River of Stokes and near the Gulf of Carpentaria, into which it flows, was shown by a white shepherd at an out sheep station, a tree on which the letter L was cut.

'That can easily be managed, says Jean, and goes without a new winter hat. She and Mrs. M'Cosh are wonders of economy in housekeeping, and there is always abundance of plain, well-cooked food. "I told you about Mrs. M'Cosh? She is the Jardines' one servant an elderly woman, a widow from Glasgow. I like her way of showing in visitors.

"Nay, father, with whom am I to brawl, or how should I curse in your good company? Find you Scots so froward?" "But now, pretending to be our friends, a band of them is harrying the Sologne country . . . " "They will be Johnstons and Jardines, and wild wood folk of Galloway," I said. "These we scarce reckon Scots, but rather Picts, and half heathen.

He went away with his feeble shuffling steps, so unlike the step of youth; Ida following him, thinking sadly of the autumn afternoons when he used to come leaping out of his boat young, bright, and seemingly full of life and energy, and when she half believed she loved him. The Jardines came the next day, self-invited guests.

Grizel where, in a most housewifely corner, she measured currants and bargained with pickers of cherries. Strickland they came upon in the book-room. With the Jardines and this gentleman the sense of employed and employee had long ago passed into a larger inclusion. He and the young laird talked and worked together as members of one family.

One other member of the party, a Mr. Nation, was destined to meet a tragic death by starvation in the newly-settled district of the northern territory of South Australia. The party left Fossilbrook station, on Fossilbrook Creek, a tributary of the Lynd, which would be north of the starting point of the Jardines.

More than eight years had elapsed since the Jardines had made their dashing trip, and their report taken in conjunction with Kennedy's did not offer much inducement for anyone to follow up their footsteps; but as there was yet a tract of country at the base of the promontory comparatively unknown, a party was organised and placed under the leadership of Mr.

Primroses come in the spring. Thirty years but The Rigs was not changed, at least not outwardly. Old Mrs. Reid had loved the garden, and Great-aunt Alison, and Jean after her, had carried on her work. The little house looked just as Peter Reid remembered it. He would go in and ask to see it, he told himself. He would tell these Jardines that the house was his and he meant to live in it himself.

A glance at it will shew that a large tract of unexplored country exists between the track of the Jardines and that of Kennedy, which affords ample scope for, and may possibly repay future explorations.