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"Some day I think you must visit Priorsford and get to know Miss Bathgate. Yours, "I forgot to tell you that for some dark reason the Jardines call their cat Sir J.M. Barrie. "I asked why, but got no satisfaction. "'Well, you see, there's Peter, Mhor said vaguely.

A little beyond this island, in 10° or 12° of north latitude, they discovered a group, consisting of many small low islands, covered with grass, and full of palm trees, to which they gave the name of Los Jardines, or the gardens . Saavedra came to anchor in the midst of these islands, where he remained several days, and concluded that the people had come originally from China, but had, by long residence, degenerated into lawless savages, using no labour or industry.

We're going to the Station Hotel for tea, so you will see the train, Mhor, old man." "Mhor," said Jock, "that's one thing you would have missed if you'd lived long ago trains." The car had to have a tyre repaired and that took some time, so after tea the Jardines stood in the station and watched trains for what was, to Mhor at least, a blissful hour.

In the morning a large number of the horses were missing, and leaving a party behind to find them and come on with the pack-horses, the Jardines and some of the others made a start with the cattle, and on the second day reached the large creek, but, to their surprise, without being overtaken by the men with the pack-horses.

As likely as not, she's an absconding lady's-maid but a call commits one to nothing. She was out anyway, so I didn't see her." "Oh, indeed," said Mrs. Jowett, blushing pink, "Miss Reston is no impostor. When you have seen her you will realise that. I met her yesterday at the Jardines'. She is the most delightful creature, so charming to look at, so wonderfully graceful "

It doesn't begin for another half-hour ... we'll have coffee in the other room." Mhor was in a fever of impatience, and quite ten minutes before the hour they were in their seats in the front row of the balcony. Oddly enough, Lord Bidborough's seat happened to be adjoining the seats taken by the Jardines, and Jean and he sat together.

The other three passed through into a vast sea called the Pacific; where they found no inhabited land till they arrived in lat. 13° N. when they came to certain islands named Los Jardines. They sailed thence to the archipelago of St Lazarus, where, in an island named Matan, Magellanes was slain and his ship burnt.

And the Johnstons and Jardines are here belike, because they have made Scotland over hot to hold them.

Glenfernie House was talked of, talked of, by village and farm and cot, talked of, talked of, year by year all the Jardines, their virtues and their vices, what they said and what they did. She had heard, ever since she was a bairn, that continual comment, like a little prattling burn running winter and summer through the dale.

The rooks were cawing belatedly in the tall ashes round the big square into which, in the old times of the Annandale thieves, the country folk used to drive the cattle to be out of the way of Johnstones and Jardines. I skirted the town, therefore, so as not to meet with the full blast of the riot.