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"Well, yer honor," began his confiding old servant shyly, "I larned to do many's the nate job in me day, but if gettin' th' inside o' these in, 'ithout tearin' th' outsides don't bang all iver I larnt, my name's not Johanna Potts," and as she spoke she looked curiously at the bundle of letters before her.

"Would you let me know your raison, if you plaise?" "If I plaise ay, you did well to put that in, for I don't plaise to let you know any more about it. I laughed bekaise I liked to laugh; an' I hope one may do that 'ithout being brought over the coals about it. Go to bed, an' give me another glass o' whiskey, Ted it always makes me sleep." Ted had been for some minutes evidently ruminating.

"Let us spread," said a hunter, "and keep wide over the paraira, till we've got clar past the Apash trail. They won't notice a single track hyar and thyar, I reckin." "Ay, but they will, though," rejoined another. "Do ye think an Injun's a-goin' to pass a shod horse track 'ithout follerin' it up? No, siree!" "We kin muffle the hoofs, as far as that goes," suggested the first speaker. "Wagh!

"Nobody." said Joseph Poorgrass. "Ye be a very rare old spectacle, malter, and we all admire ye for that gift. " "Ay, and as a young man, when my senses were in prosperity, I was likewise liked by a good-few who knowed me." said the maltster. "'Ithout doubt you was 'ithout doubt." The bent and hoary 'man was satisfied, and so apparently was Henery Frag.

"Bring the man," said the doctor, briskily. "Well, zur," said she, "Jim ain't here. You couldn't do it 'ithout Jim bein' here, could you?" "Oh, no!" "I 'lowed you might be able," she said, with a little sigh, "if you tried. But you couldn't, says you?" "No." "Jim he 'lowed two year ago it ought t' be done. You couldn't do it nohow?" The doctor shook his head. "Couldn't make a shift at it?" "No."

"Better let them go, poor devils!" said Seguin, seemingly unwilling that blood should be spilled so wantonly. "No, captain," rejoined the same speaker, "we won't fire, but we'll git them, if we kin, 'ithout it. Boys, follow me down this way." And the man was about guiding his horse in among the loose rocks, so as to pass unperceived between the dwarfs and the mountain.

A black snake kedn't crawl through among 'em 'ithout bein' obsarved." "What are we to do?" asks Hamersley, in a despairing tone. "We kin do nothin' now, 'ceptin' go back an' git our mules. We must move them out o' the way afore sun-up. 'Taint no matter o' use our squattin' hyar. No doubt o' what's been done. The main body's goed below; them we see's only a party left to guard the gap.

It is a barren spot indeed, where they cannot find resources. "We needn't holler till we're hurt," says one of the hunters. "If yer call an empty belly a hurt," rejoins another, "I've got it already. I kud jest eat a raw jackass 'ithout skinnin' him." "Come, fellers!" cries a third, "let's gramble for a meal o' these peenyuns."

Then he remembered what had happened. "Mr. Burnham," he whispered, "is is he alive?" "Yes, lad; they've took 'im to the office; the doctor's in wi' 'im. Did ye fin' the air bad?" The child lay back with a sigh of relief. "Yes," he said, "very bad. We got to 'em though; we found 'em an' brought 'em out. I carried the things; they couldn't 'a' got along 'ithout me."