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Updated: November 9, 2024

'Comes jucundus in via pro vehiculo est. Publ. Syr. Frag.

Then there were intervals of silence, while I stared absent-mindedly, at hap-hazard, at some indis- tinguishable canvas, and the only sound was the down- pour of the rain on the skylights. The museum of Avignon derives a certain dignity from its Roman frag- ments. The town has no Roman monuments to show; in this respect, beside its brilliant neighbors, Arles and Nimes, it is a blank.

Tully has given us an admirable sketch of natural history, in his second book concerning the nature of the Gods; and that in a style so raised by metaphors and descriptions, that it lifts the subject above rallery and ridicule, which frequently fall on such nice observations when they pass through the hands of an ordinary writer. No. 122. Comes jucundus in via pro vehiculo est. PUBL. SYR. Frag.

Ælian copied this statement literatim from MEGASTHESES, Indica Frag. lix. 31. The hawksbill-turtle , which supplies the tortoise-shell of commerce, was at former times taken in great numbers in the vicinity of Hambangtotte during the season when they came to deposit their eggs.

Salvius Julianus, Pars Prima, vi: si non habebunt advocatum, ego dabo. Severus, 44. Cf. Paulus in Dig., 23, 3, 28. Codex, v, 13, 1, and 18, 1. Ulpian in Dig., iii, 3, 8. Gaius, i, 137. Frag. iur. Rom. Ulpian in Dig., iii, 3, 8; ibid., Paulus, iii, 3, 41. Ulpian in Dig., iii, 5, 3.

Æneas, consequently, understanding the oracle founded there the Lavinian city, even if the ignorant do say Rome. Frag.

"Nobody." said Joseph Poorgrass. "Ye be a very rare old spectacle, malter, and we all admire ye for that gift. " "Ay, and as a young man, when my senses were in prosperity, I was likewise liked by a good-few who knowed me." said the maltster. "'Ithout doubt you was 'ithout doubt." The bent and hoary 'man was satisfied, and so apparently was Henery Frag.

Frag. The traces of the existence of love, as of number and figure, were everywhere discerned; and in the Pythagorean list of opposites male and female were ranged side by side with odd and even, finite and infinite. But Plato seems also to be aware that there is a mystery of love in man as well as in nature, extending beyond the mere immediate relation of the sexes.

Pliny, Panegyricus, 38: Tu quidem, Caesar ... intuitus, opinor, vim legemque naturae, quae semper in dicione parentum esse liberos iussit. Paulus, vi, 15. Codex, v, 4, 11, and 17, 5. Paulus, in Dig., 23, 3, 28. Codex, v, 13, 1, and 18, 1. Codex, v, 17, 5. Salvius Julianus: Frag. Perp. Ed.: Pars Prima, vii under "De is qui notantur infamia." Codex, 8, 46 , 5. Aulus Gellius, iv, 4.

Like a sal- amander he passes across the burning deck with unscathed feet, and glides through the stifling smoke with unchoked breath. Not a sound escapes his lips. Another loud report; the long-boat is shivered into frag- ments; the middle panel bursts the tarpaulin that covered it, and a stream of fire, free at length from the restraint that had held it, rises half-mast high.

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