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Peter Coleman did not return to San Francisco until the middle of March, but Susan had two of the long, ill-written and ill-spelled letters that are characteristic of the college graduate. It was a wet afternoon in the week before Holy Week when she saw him again. Front Office was very busy at three o'clock, and Miss Garvey had been telling a story.

Forgive me that it is so ill-written: perhaps I do so expressly that you may be obliged to re-read it several times: I have transcribed hastily what I had written down on my tablets, and my paper has given out. Remember a tender friend, and write to her often: love me as tenderly as I love you, and remember

In that ill-written, ragged book, The Pirate, the figure of Cleveland cast up by the sea on the resounding foreland of Dunrossness moving, with the blood on his hands and the Spanish words on his tongue, among the simple islanders singing a serenade under the window of his Shetland mistress is conceived in the very highest manner of romantic invention.

Words have a history of their own, and often acquire associations independent of their meaning. Rhythm, too, and clearness need attention. An unbalanced sentence goes haltingly and jars; an ambiguous pronoun causes the reader to stumble. An ill-written book, an ill-worded speech fail of their effects; it is not merely by sympathy and character that men persuade.

The chapel of the Holy Cross, as it is called, is classed among the historic monuments of France; and I read in a queer, rambling, ill-written book which I picked at Avignon, and in which the author, M. Louis de Laincel, has buried a great deal of curious information on the subject of Provence under a style inspiring little confidence, that the "délicieuse chapelle de Sainte-Croix" is a "véritable bijou artistique."

Like a flash the ill-written scrawl jumped to his sight. "J. H." was Jay Hardman. What luck! The doctor finished his work, and Collins tested his leg gingerly. "Del, I'm going over to have a little talk with the old man. Want to go along?" "You bet I do, Val" from Del Hawkes. "You mustn't walk on that leg for a week or two yet, Mr. Collins," the doctor explained, shaking his head.

Sir James Calendar Campbell's Memoirs are ill-written all higgledy-piggledy, facts and anecdotes, some without heads, and some without tails; great cry and little wool, still, some of the wool is good; and curious facts thrown out, of which he does not know the value, and other things he values that have no value in nature. To MISS RUXTON. PAKENHAM HALL, Sept. 19, 1832.

But sprawling and ill-written as many of the signatures were to the 'Round Robin' the pen held by heavy hands yet they were genuine, and constituted a very substantial fact, that must be yielded to. Perhaps the magistrate most regular in his attendance at a certain country Petty Sessional Court is young Squire Marthorne.

There was an ill-written request for leave to translate his play into French, three news-cuttings to herald his new play, a conventional letter from his mother, two petitions for free stalls from impecunious friends and nine invitations to luncheon or dinner. He had hardly finished reading them, when a pencilled note, sent by hand from Mrs. Shelley, made the tenth.

Every charge that malice could bring, every distortion that jealousy could apply to the simplest incident, every insinuation that, judged by her own standard, had seemed to her most likely to work upon a husband Letty had crowded them all into the mean, ill-written letter the letter of a shopgirl trying to rescue her young man from the clutches of a rival.