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Uncle Ben stuck fast to it, that he had nothing to thank God for. Instead of minding his New-Year pudding, Master Huckaback carried on so about his mighty grievance, that at last we began to think there must be something in it, after all; especially as he assured us that choice and costly presents for the young people of our household were among the goods divested.

I now calculated that five months had elapsed, and that it was the depth of winter, therefore I had no chance of being released until the ensuing spring. "Allah wakbar, God is every where!" interrupted the pacha. "But I wish to know, Huckaback, how you were so exactly aware of the time which had passed away." "Min bashi, and head of thousands!" replied Huckaback, "I will explain to your highness.

"I wish, Huckaback," observed the pacha, angrily, "that you would go on with your story: you are talking to a dead woman, instead of a live pacha." "I intreat your pardon," replied the renegade; "but to amuse your highness, I have entered into scenes which long have been dismissed from my memory and the feelings attending them will rise up, and cannot well be checked.

"Meet me," he answered, yet closing his hands, and wrinkling with doubt his forehead, "come alone, of course; and meet me at the Wizard's Slough, at ten to-morrow morning." Knowing Master Huckaback to be a man of his word, as well as one who would have others so, I was careful to be in good time the next morning, by the side of the Wizard's Slough.

Our mother reproved Eliza for this, although it was the heel of her own foot; and then to satisfy our uncle, she promised to call Farmer Nicholas Snowe, to be of our council that evening, "And if the young maidens would kindly come, without taking thought to smoothe themselves, why it would be all the merrier, and who knew but what Uncle Huckaback might bless the day of his robbery, etc., etc. and thorough good honest girls they were, fit helpmates either for shop or farm."

'Meet me, he answered, yet closing his hands, and wrinkling with doubt his forehead, 'come alone, of course; and meet me at the Wizard's Slough, at ten to-morrow morning. Knowing Master Huckaback to be a man of his word, as well as one who would have others so, I was careful to be in good time the next morning, by the side of the Wizard's Slough.

When he perceived their approach, the renegade exclaimed, "Allah, Allah! when is the happy time to come, promised in my seventh and last voyage?" "Who are you; and why do you call upon Heaven for happy times?" inquired the pacha. "I am Huckaback the sailor," replied the renegade, "who, after a life of danger and disaster, am anxiously awaiting the fulfilment of a promise from the Most High."

Huckaback liked to see fine young maidens, and partly because none but Nicholas Snowe could smoke a pipe now all around our parts, except of the very high people, whom we durst never invite.

Victor, my dear Victor!" continued I, "how great has been my injustice, and what can repay me for your loss?" and I threw myself down on the sofa, as if frantic with grief. "Huckaback," observed the pacha, "it appears to me that in your younger days you were a great scoundrel."

"Allah wakbar God is every where! It was your talleh your destiny, Huckaback." "It was his kismet his fate, your sublime highness," rejoined Mustapha, "that he should go through those perils to amuse your leisure hours." "Wallah thaib well said, by Allah! Let the slave rejoice in our bounty. Give him ten pieces of gold; we will open our ears to his next voyage to-morrow.