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If you ain't careful, we'll be buyin' that chicken-farm next week. That's what can happen to my girl if she starts something with her hubby." Suddenly Mrs. Connors crumpled in a heap upon the lacy pillows, pink sequins heaving. "Why, Babe Babe, what is it? You're sick or something to-night, honey." He lifted her to his arms, bent almost double over her.

Bing! on the door and in waltzed Olga's handicap, who had been out and soaked up a souse, and not finding little wifey when he returned to the hut, he starts out on a still hunt and ropes in my shack. "Hubby comes in carrying weight for grouch and pipes party of five Blonde Party, Olga, Soul Mate, Wilbur and me. Calls down wifey for not coming home. Business of language.

I slept sometimes and had pipe dreams about being out chasing cats into basements and growling at old ladies with black mittens, as a dog was intended to do. Then she would pounce upon me with a lot of that drivelling poodle palaver and kiss me on the nose but what could I do? A dog can't chew cloves. I began to feel sorry for Hubby, dog my cats if I didn't.

One day the hotel proprietor advised him of a contemplated raise in his assessment to re-imburse the business for extras in connection with elevating so much food upstairs, which was not part and parcel of the rules and regulations of the house in committee. Besides, the accommodation was needless. "Needless!" exclaimed hubby. "Would you degenerate a lady and gentleman wilfully.

When "hubby" caught a fish, the pair celebrated the catch by enthusiastically kissing, totally regardless of the surprise or envy that might be excited in the bosom of the poor boatman, and when "wifie" caught a fish the same procedure was repeated.

Batjer, declaring that she would enjoy the artistic outlet it would afford, and indicating at the same time that it might provide the necessary solution of a problem of ways and means. "Why, Bevy, how you talk!" commented Mrs. Batjer. "And with your possibilities. Why don't you marry first, and do your dancing afterward? You might compel a certain amount of attention that way." "Because of hubby?

Aggie's neatly rounded jaw dropped in a gape of surprise that was most unladylike. "You are going to live on in this joint with us?" she questioned, aghast. "Of course." The reply was given with the utmost of certainty. Aggie presented the crux of the matter. "Where will hubby live?" There was no lessening of the bride's composure as she replied, with a little shrug. "Anywhere but here."

She smiled the crooked smile and pinched Carol's crimson cheek. "The only way to keep hubby out of danger is to tackle it yourself, isn't it? Oh, don't blush, I like you all the better for your little trick." "Centerville, Iowa. "Dear Carol and David: "I am getting very, exceptionally wise. I am really appalled at myself. It seems so unnecessary in one so young.

"Sit right down here now, and let's talk the matter over if you want to go home to the old gent, why I'm sure I have no objection, providing he agrees to take your hubby along with you.

In a short time hubby began to consider her in the light of a "white man's burden," and had distorted visions of himself laboring through life with an over-loaded back action.