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Updated: August 11, 2024

"Yu go over to th' hotel an' find Hopalong," said the foreman sternly. "Stay with him all th' time, for there is a plot on foot to wing him on th' sly. If yu ain't mighty spry he'll be dead by night."

His friends, and there were many in the crowd, torn from their affected nonchalance by shooting the like of which they had not attributed even to him, roared and shouted and danced in a frenzy of delight. Red also threw his guns to Hopalong, who caught them in the air and turning, faced Tex, who stood white of face and completely lost in the forgetfulness of admiration and amazement.

Yu can say it right now that yu are a ornery, game-leg " Hopalong smashed his insulter squarely between the eyes with all the power of his sinewy body behind the blow, knocking him in a heap under the table. Then he quickly glanced at the card players and saw a hostile movement. His gun was out in a flash and he covered the trio as he walked up to them.

What's a mission doing up here?" Red snapped. "What do you think they do? What do they do anywhere?" hotly rejoined Hopalong, thinking about Johnny. "There! See the cross?" "Shore enough!" "An' there's tracks at last mighty wobbly, but tracks just the same. Them rocks couldn't go on forever. Red, I'll bet he's cashed in by this time." "Cashed nothing! Them fellers don't."

"Says yu!" snapped Red with heat. "All yu an yore Sharp's could do was to cut yore initials in th' back door of their shack, an' " "Did more damage in five minutes," continued Hopalong, "than all th' blasted Winchesters in th' whole damned town. Why " "An' then they was cut blamed poor. Every time that cannon of yourn exploded I shore thought th' "

Soon the riders came up, and when they saw Hopalong shove a peach into his powder-grimed mouth they yelled their delight. "Yu old maverick! Eatin' peaches like yu was afraid we'd git some!" shouted Red indignantly, leaping down and running up to his pal as though to thrash him. Hopalong grinned pleasantly and fired a peach against Red's eye.

The wounded cattle and three horses were put out of their misery as the first duty. The horse that Hopalong had ridden had a broken back; the other two, broken legs.

"I thought th' artillery was comin' into th' disturbance. I could see yore red head " "MY red head!" exclaimed Hopalong, sizing up the crimson warlock of his companion. "MY red head!" he repeated, and then turned to Frenchy: "Hey, Frenchy, who's got th' reddest hair, me or Red?" Frenchy slowly turned in his saddle and gravely scrutinized them.

Hopalong knew this portion of the desert for ten miles inward he had rescued straying cattle along its southern rim but once beyond that limit they would have to trust to chance and their own abilities. There were water holes on this skillet, but nine out of ten were death traps, reeking with mineral poisons, colored and alkaline.

"Ya-as?" asked Red with a rising inflection. "You will not want him now," replied the monk. Red laughed sarcastically and Hopalong smiled. "There ain't a-going to be no argument about it. Trot him out," ordered Red, grimly. The monk turned to Hopalong. "Do you, too, want him?" Hopalong nodded. "My friends, he is safe from your punishment."

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