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Updated: August 20, 2024

His father wished to make it a patriarchal concern, where all the family should have their rooms and meet together for meals, and was perfectly willing to give up the new practice at Poggibonsi and preside. Gino was quite willing too, for he was an affectionate youth who liked a large home-circle, and he told it as a pleasant bit of news to Lilia, who did not attempt to conceal her horror.

To them sunshine was restored again; and the few rays that penetrated to the mother's heart, lighted its dim chambers, and touched it with a generous warmth. But the shadows from Mrs. Abercrombie's clouded brow fell not alone upon her household. The spirit that pervades the home-circle is often carried forth by those who go out into the world. It was so in this case. Mr.

"All right, Professor Vincent," said Harry laughing, "I'll endeavor to behave with propriety." "I wonder what they would say at home," said Oscar, "if they knew I had taken up the profession of teacher. Strange as it may seem to you, Harry, I have the reputation in the home-circle of being decidedly lazy. How do you account for it?" "Great men are seldom appreciated."

I will accompany you whenever you go, and not only present you to the professor, but request him to receive you into his family as a member of his home-circle." A quiver shook out the hard lines around her lips, and she turned her eyes full on his. "You are very kind, sir, but that is not necessary; and a letter of introduction will have the same effect, and save you from a disagreeable trip.

The thought created no quicker heart-beat threw no warmer tint on the ideal future toward which his eyes of late had so fondly turned themselves. To live for others and not for himself this was to extinguish his very life. What were others to him? All of his world was centred in his little home-circle.

"I always fancy that the people who sing and act in public can't be quite as nice as the people who stay in their own home-circle. I know that you will think me very narrow-minded to say so, but I can't help it." "I am afraid that I do think it rather narrow-minded," said Hubert quietly, but with a dangerous lighting of his eyes.

Death twice entered his home-circle once to convey a budding flower from the earth-home to the skies, and again like a lightning-stroke laying young manhood low in a moment. The instinct within him, stronger than doubt, turned his thought in those dark hours toward God.

The marriage took place between 1818 and 1822, and four children, three boys and a girl, were its issue; but, the boys all dying in infancy, the young mother was left with her little daughter Anna to bring up, and with the desires of a rich, cultured woman, who did not find in her home-circle the wherewithal to satisfy them. Of her own charms she had spoken truly.

"'A hospital! exclaimed I; and the very thought of my poor Nat, who had been the centre of a loving home-circle, of a merry school playground, ever since he could remember the very thought of his finding himself alone among diseased people, and tended by hired attendants, so overcame me that I burst into floods of tears. "Mr.

That she had scarcely slept all night was a fact that no one suspected. Work-a-day Dinah, as her father was wont to call her, was not an object of great solicitude to any in her home-circle, and for the first time in her life she was thankful that such was the case.

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