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Updated: August 22, 2024

But she is one of these high-flyers. Nor can I for the soul of me persuade myself that, family pride excepted, she ay, she herself, my she, would not prefer him to me. But these gentry are all so intolerably prudent that, talk to them of passions, and they answer they must not have any. Oh, no! They are above such mundane weakness!

Louis, and Wild Bill having brought a fast running horse from the mountains, determined to take him to that city and match him against some of the high-flyers there; and down to St. Louis we went with this running horse, placing our hopes very high on him. Wild Bill had no difficulty in making up a race for him.

"I boss the boys," he said, "but I reckon Cynthy Ann knows whut's best fur the gals; though, ez fur ez I'm consarned, I'd like Cissy to be ez eddicated ez any uv them high-flyers 'roun' Lexin'ton." Susan was ambitious and loved study, and, although she did not openly rebel against her mother's ruling, went about her household tasks in a dejected way which greatly tried bustling Mrs. Rogers.

She was proud of Verena's brightness, and of her special talent; but the commonness of her own surface was a non-conductor of the girl's quality. Therefore she thought that it would add to her success in life to know a few high-flyers, if only to put them to shame; as if anything could add to Verena's success, as if it were not supreme success simply to have been made as she was made. Mrs.

The following extracts from a printed sermon by one of them, on the subject of "soul-confirmation," will at once exemplify the contempt and scorn with which these high-flyers regarded their more sober-minded brethren, and serve as a specimen of the homely eloquence with which they excited their followers.

Well, Gentlemen, and what if we are called High-flyers now, and an Hundred Names of Contempt and Distinction, what is this to the purpose? who would not be a High-flyer, to be Tackt and Consolidated in an Engine of such sublime Elevation, and which lifts Men, Monarchs, Members, yea, and whole Nations, up into the Clouds; and performs with such wondrous Art, the long expected Experiment of a Voyage to the Moon?

"You'll give me a chance to get back at 'em if any of your friends knock me, won't you?" "Why should they dislike you?" He shrugged his shoulders. "Well, I ain't exactly one o' the high-flyers now am I?" "I'm glad you're not." "Sure enough?" "Yes." "Then it's me for you, Kiddo, for this world and the next."

It's getting to be the rage among the high-flyers for the women to shoot." "Please do, Jim!" Nan cried from the door. She had listened outside to the duel in the stateroom. "All right," he answered, gaily, "quick about it. You've got a rig?" "Yes, a half dozen," she cried, with childish glee. "Come into my stateroom and show me which one to put on to-day."

Why must people of refinement and elevation be forever tied down because of some distant relationship? Now there are our cousins the High-Flyers, if we could get them, there would be some sense in it. Young Whisk rather promised me for Christmas; but it's seldom now you can get a flying squirrel to show himself in our parts, and if we are intimate with the Chipmunks it isn't to be expected."

'The higher the better, rejoined Tadpole, 'and then he will not interfere with us. I like your high-flyers; it is your plodders I detest, wearing old hats and high-lows, speaking in committee, and thinking they are men of business: d n them!

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