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Updated: August 4, 2024

"Now, boys, heave away," said Joe Davidson, setting the example. "It seems unwillin' to come, don't it," growled Gunter. "Dat's 'cause him full ob fishes," said Zulu; "heave away, boys altogidder!" He strained with all his might. So did the rest of the crew. Round went the capstan, and in a few minutes the great forty-eight feet beam appeared.

"D'ye think the skipper did it a' purpose, mate?" asked David. "Sartinly not," answered Luke. "The skipper had no ill-will at him, but he was so drunk he couldn't take care of himself, an' didn't know what he was about." "That wasn't the fault o' the Coper," growled Gunter. "You say he got half-screwed afore he went there, an' he might have got dead-drunk without goin' aboard of her at all."

"No, not even the Evening Star if she was took that fashion, an' we never know when it's goin' to happen. I suspect, Billy, that the psalm-singers, as Gunter calls 'em, has the best of it. They work as well as any men in the fleet sometimes I think better an' then they're always in such a jolly state o' mind!

I am afraid I was rather thankful when she closed the door and left me alone, for I was tired, and longed to think over the wonderful events of the day. I slept very sweetly in the old-fashioned brown bed that was sacred to the memory of Miss Gunter, and woke happily to the fact that another blue day was shining, and that in a few hours Eric and I would be at Heathfield.

Acting on this advice, John Gunter returned to his mates looking gruffer, if possible, and more taciturn than ever, but radically changed, from that hour, in soul and spirit.

Gunter, just further along, is as soberly and solidly seated; the mews behind the whole row, from the foot of Hay Hill at the right, wanders away to Bruton Street with the irregular grace that spoke to my young fancy; Hay Hill itself is somehow less sharply precipitous, besides being no longer paved, as I seem to recall its having been, with big boulders, and I was on the point of saying that its antique charm in some degree abides.

Hopkins, instead of Mr. Gunter, in the pink shirt, was represented as one of the two interlocutors in the famous quarrel-scene: the other being Mr. Noddy, the scorbutic youth, with the nice sense of honour. Through this modification the ludicrous effect of the squabble was wonderfully enhanced, as where Mr. Noddy, having been threatened with being "pitched out o' window" by Mr.

At that moment the little boy, who had been eagerly watching the scene, uttered a loud shriek. "Oh! my father! my dear mother!" he cried out; "let me go to them let me go to save them!" With difficulty the groom held him on his horse, for he struggled desperately to be free. "There's kind Bertha, my nurse; and honest, good Gunter too! Let me go, I say, that I may help them!"

"Oh! nothin' to speak of," growled Gunter, "on'y a bit o' skin knocked off." "We'll put that all right soon," returned the missionary, shaking hands with the other members of the crew. "But p'r'aps you'd like to go below with us, first. We're goin' to hold a little service. It'll be more comfortable under hatches than on deck." "No, thank 'ee," replied Gunter with decision.

Without a word more, Captain Bream laid his hand on the poor man's shoulder and pressed it. Gunter knew well what was meant. He went down on his knees. The captain kneeled beside him, and in a deep, intensely earnest voice, claimed forgiveness of the sin that had been confessed, and prayed that the sinner's soul might be there and then cleansed in the precious blood of Jesus.

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