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"You might be safer if you hurried back to the railroad," replied Carmena, and she swung the steepening side of the arroyo. Lennon's lips tightened. He did not again question his guide's choice of route. But, like her, he held his rifle ready as they came up over the round of a stony ridge.

"Here we are," she heard the guide's voice in a shout. The stage stopped, and Stella heard a rush of feet. "Got her?" some one demanded gruffly. "Yep, but she's all in," replied the guide. "Her forehead was creased by a bullet, an' the trip has about finished her." "Can't help that. Get her out. We've got to be moving. The soldiers are out to-night." "What's the matter?" "Injuns.". "Uprisin'?"

She ordered many men and women to be speared and burned and tossed over precipices, but all without avail, because `greater is He who is for us than all who can be against us. "My father was away on a trading expedition at this time. One day in attempting to cross a lake he was drowned." The guide's voice deepened as he went on, "He was a good loving father to me.

"Maybe they've all gone to bed; there ain't anythin' here to keep 'em awake," replied the guide, with the old puzzling and derisive smile. Harley turned coldly away. He did not like to have any one make fun of him, and that he saw clearly was the guide's intention. Jimmy Grayson was still thinking of things far off, and Mr. Heathcote, chilled and shrunk, seemed to have lost the power of speech.

The brook continued to be their companion, and they advanced up its mazes, crossing them now and then, on which occasions Evan Dhu uniformly offered the assistance of his attendants to carry over Edward; but our hero, who had been always a tolerable pedestrian, declined the accommodation, and obviously rose in his guide's opinion, by showing that he did not fear wetting his feet.

Besides, I do not object to stay, for I intend to preach them a sermon on ungodliness and intemperance in the middle of the feast." Mark could scarcely forbear smiling at what he deemed the originality of the guide's intention, as well as the quiet decision with which he stated it. "Don't you think," he said, "that this way of bearding the lion in his den may rouse the people to anger?"

To both Donkia and Kongra Lama I had every right to go, and was determined, if possible, to reach them, in spite of Meepo's ignorance, our guide's endeavours to frighten my party and mislead myself, and the country people's dread of incurring the Dewan's displeasure.

A closer investigation, however, on the bank, while waiting for the guide's horse, reveals the fact that he is far from being the John Chinaman of Chinatown, San Francisco. Instead of hailing from the rice-fields of Quangtung, this fellow is a native of Kashga-ria, a country almost as wild as Afghanistan.

He thus led the way to the base of the Mur de la Côte, the thought of which had so long cast a gloom upon us; here we left our rope behind us, and while pausing I asked Simond whether he did not feel a desire to go to the summit. "Surely," was his reply, "but! " Our guide's mind was so constituted that the "but" seemed essential to its peace.

A shot from the guide's rifle hurled one of the Mexicans out of his saddle, like a stone from a sling. Mrs.