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They all came to the meeting bream, and perch, and roach, and dace, and gudgeon; yes, and the little ersh with his spiny back. The silly roach said, "Let us kill the pike." But the gudgeon looked at him with his great eyes, and asked, "Have you got good teeth?" "No," says the roach, "I haven't any teeth." "You'd swallow the pike, I suppose?" says the perch. "My mouth is too small."

'Polly Onion, I said, 'there is my address, and if ever you want a friend, and if you are in trouble, you will know where to find assistance, and I gave her another sovereign. 'You're a good sort, said she, 'and no mistake. 'Good-bye, I said, shaking her hand. 'See well after Mrs. Gudgeon. 'All right, said she, and a smile broke over her face.

As soon as you meet a fact that seems even more than probable, you swallow it as eagerly as a gudgeon swallows an angler's bait." This comparison could but pique the young detective. "I don't think I've been so simple as that," protested he. "Bah! What did you think, then, when you heard that M. d'Escorval had broken his leg in getting out of his carriage?" "Believe!

Shiny Quaker?" sez I. "Supposin' my name was Mrs. Gudgeon, I don't say it is, but supposin' it was, what's that to you?" sez I, for I thought my poor bor Bob what lives in the country had got into trouble agin and had sent for me. 'Go on, mother, said Cyril, 'what did the shiny Quaker say then? "Well then," sez 'e, "if your name is Mrs.

"Theirs replied: 'I have no time, or else: 'another day; or else: 'I have not got a half penny; or else: 'Will you hide yourself, you wretch! "You cannot imagine how funny it was to see her carrying on such a piece of work, though, after all, it is her regular business. "Sometimes she shut the window suddenly, and I saw a gentleman go in. She had caught him like a fisherman hooks a gudgeon.

The fish commonly caught are mullet, perch, barbel, gudgeon, bream, and chub. As a food-supplying river, the Dordogne is one of the most valuable in France, and, owing to the rapid current and the purity of the water, the fish is of excellent quality. The fixed belief of all the riverside people in this and other valleys is that fish should be cooked alive.

But then Fanny Wyndham was so beautiful, so lively, so affectionate, so exactly what a cousin and a wife ought to be: he could not bear to think that all his protestations of friendship and love had been hypocritical; that he could only look upon her as a gudgeon, and himself as a bigger fish, determined to swallow her! Yet such must be his views regarding her.

"I don't never expect to be one of these stars on the screen," she confided to Louise. "But I can make a good livin', an' ma's childern by her second husband, Mr. Vleet, has got to be eddicated. "I'm goin' to make me up a fancy name and make a repertation. They ain't goin' to call me 'Dusty Gudgeon' no more.

Landing is easy, and there is a good spring and plenty of wood; on the rocks are found quantities of mussels, limpets, and whelks, whilst inland grows celery, and a kind of herb resembling the dandelion. Another fruitful source of wealth in this bay is fish, and whilst the vessels were at anchor, drag-nets, trammels, and lines captured enough mullet, gudgeon, and roaches to feed the whole crew.

She then took another glass of ale, grinned, shook herself, as though preparing for an effort, and said, 'Well you must know, sir, as my name's Meg Gudgeon, leaseways that was my name till my darter chrissened me Mrs.