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She and her husband rarely left their castle in the Black Forest, and it might naturally be supposed that their life there was exceedingly dull and monotonous. In her own heart Clara von Greifenstein recognised that her present luxurious retirement was a paradise compared with the existence she must have led if she had not known how to help herself at the right moment.

'Herr von Greifenstein, this is a very serious matter, he said, 'If I tell you what I have just discovered, you will certainly believe that I knew it all before, and that I am acting a comedy. You must either bind yourself to put faith in my innocence, or we must drop this affair and talk of something else. Greif was silent for some moments.

The Lady of Sigmundskron looked up quickly, but Greifenstein seemed to grow calmer than ever. 'Pardon me, my dear wife, he answered, with a rather formal inclination of the head. 'If you will be as kind as to remember our conversation of last night, you will call to mind that I asked your consent to the arrangement, and that you gave it at once. 'Ah yes! said Frau von Greifenstein. 'It is true.

You are a man of your word, Herr von Greifenstein. All I can do is to hold my tongue and tell you nothing more. 'That need not prevent my quarrelling with you about something else 'No, if you find it possible. It is not easy to quarrel with me. 'But if I were to insult you 'You will not do so, returned Rex very calmly and gravely.

For some minutes neither of the cousins spoke, and Frau von Sigmundskron sat doing nothing, which was altogether contrary to her nature, her work lying upon her knees and her hands joined one upon the other. As for Greifenstein, he had at last folded the paper to his satisfaction and had returned it to his pocket. Presently the sound of his wife's footsteps was heard upon the gravel path.

'I meant that the marriage might take place early in the new year, if neither you nor your daughter had any objections, said Greifenstein. 'But they have none she has just told you so! Oh, Hugo, how dull men are, where love is concerned! Why should they object? 'Indeed, I cannot see any reason why they should not be married in January, said Hilda's mother.

It is due to the memory of Greifenstein to repeat here that he never at any time realised the extremity of her need, and that it had been long before he had learned that she was really poor. But the Lady of Sigmundskron did not know this, and she could not comprehend how completely her penury had been hidden from her relations by her own wonderful management and indomitable pride.

The writing was large, heavy and clear, and the envelope was sealed with wax bearing the impress of the Greifenstein arms. There could not be more than one sheet of paper inside, for the letter was very thin.

On the other hand, his imperturbable manner sometimes irritated his wife, and in justice to her it must be allowed that his conversation in her presence was often very constrained. 'The next time you come to Greifenstein, he said, leaning forward again and speaking to his cousin, 'it will be on the occasion of a very happy event.

'A man told me that your brother had been discharged from the army with infamy infam cassirt and condemned to imprisonment, for betraying some arsenal or armoury into the hands of the rebels in 1848. I told him well that he lied. What else could I say? I had never heard of the scoundrel. 'You were quite right, answered Greifenstein, who was very pale.