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Updated: August 26, 2024

The flippant tone of all this disheartened Thomas Jefferson's listener, and a silence succeeded which lasted until the train had stormed around the nose of Lebanon and the whistle was blowing for Gordonia. Then Tom said: "I didn't mean to hurt you; but now you see why I can't go back and begin all over again." And she nodded assent.

He was gone less than half an hour, but in that short interval he lighted another fire: a blaze of curiosity and comment to tingle the ears and loosen the tongues of the circle of loungers in Hargis's store in Gordonia. He ignored the stove-hugging contingent pointedly while he was giving his curt orders to the storekeeper; and the contingent avenged itself when he was out of hearing.

Klipspringers: About 11,200, in the following divisions, viz.: Namaqualand, 6,559; Kuruman, 2,100; Steytlerville, 1,530; Oudtshoorn, 275; Hay, 250; Ladismith, 220; Graaff-Reinet, 119; Kenhardt, 66; and Cradock, 56. Hartebeest: About 9,700, principally in the divisions of Vryburg, Gordonia, Kuruman, Mafeking, Kimberley, Hay and Beaufort West.

Neither was it for my sake that you instructed your lawyers to return good for evil by redeeming the Farleys' stock just before they left for Colorado, or that you made restitution to the families of the men at Gordonia for their losses during the strike." But again he was shaking his head dubiously. "I'm not so sure about that.

"I reckon I'd better ride on the box with Unc' Scipio," he suggested. "I am sure I don't know why you should," she objected. He told her straight; or at least gave her his own view of it. "By to-morrow morning everybody in Gordonia and Paradise Valley will know that I'm home in disgrace. It won't hurt Unc' Scipio any if I'm seen riding with him."

Report of Resident Magistrate, Gordonia, May 23, 1901. Native shot dead. May 25, 1901. District Harrismith. A native accused of laziness and insolence was shot by men in M. Prinsloo's commando. May 28, 1901. At Sannah's Post three natives were captured and shot. June 5, 1901. Three natives with Colonel Plumer's column captured and shot near Paardeberg. July 27, 1901.

One day a stranger, purporting to be a walking delegate for the United Miners, but repudiated as such by check-weigher Ludlow, took up his residence in Gordonia and began to interest himself, quite unminer-like, in the various mechanical appliances of the Chiawassee plant, and particularly in the different sources of its water supply.

It was all plain enough. For reasons best known to herself, Nan had not revealed the name of her betrayer, and all Gordonia, and all Paradise, believed him to be the man. Even Ardea ... She had moved aside out of the square of window light, and he followed her. "Tell me," he said thickly; "you heard this: you have believed it. Have I been misjudging you?" "Not more than I misjudged you, perhaps.

You know the whites Welshmen, Cornishmen, and a good sprinklin' o' 'huckleberries. And the blacks don't count, one way or the other." The engineer of the accommodation had whistled for Gordonia, and Tom was gathering his dunnage.

Not to lose time, Tom took a noon train back to Boston, first wiring his father to try and keep things in statu quo at Gordonia for another week at all hazards.

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