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Updated: August 5, 2024

"I've 'ad a 'orrible nightmare, I 'ave a nightmare. See?" He fixed his eyes on me for a moment, then raised himself from his seat, peering narrowly at me across the table. "I seed you before, mate. Gaw, blimey! if you ain't the bloke wot I giv'd the pigtail to! And wot laid out that blasted Chink as was scraggin' me! Shake, mate!"

Yo' just think for yo'rsel, what it mun be for father to have a' his work undone, and by such a fool as Boucher, who must needs go right again the orders of Committee, and ruin th' strike, just as bad as if he meant to be a Judas. Eh! but father giv'd it him last night!

"Sweet Alers, with hair so brown, who wept with delight when you giv'd her a smile, and " with knitted brows and appealing recitative, "what's er rest of it, Kla'uns?" "Who trembled with fear at your frown?" prompted Clarence. "Who trembled with fear at my frown?" shrilled Susy. "I forget er rest. Wait! I kin sing " "Praise God," suggested Clarence. "Yes."

The mercy be good unto me! Me thirty pounds! Where must I get thirty pounds! Does the joult head think I coin? Would he have me go on the highway? Who ever giv'd me thirty pounds? Marry come up! Thirty pounds? Why I came to Wenbourne-Hill with thrums immee pouch. Not a brass farthin more. And now show me the he or the hurr Shiner for shiner Hool a cry hold first?

No doubt they had plenty of wild 'uns them as they giv'd names to but they hadn't a good little tame 'un like you, Cuff; no, nor nobody else, for you're the best dog in the world if you'd only keep yer spanker-boom quiet; but you'll shake it off, you will, if you go on like that. There, lie down, an' let's get on with our consultation.

"Noa," Bill said, "never so much as dream't o't, but now I thinks it over, it be loikely enoo'. I often thought what wonderful luck it were as he gave me that 'ere bottle o' old Tom, and made me as drunk as a loord joost at th' roight time, and I ha' thought it were curious too, seeing as never before or since has he giv'd me a bottle o' liquor, but now it all comes natural enough.

Of course, it was not at all like the "barty" the celebrated Hans Breitman "giv'd" to his friends for the imbibition of "lager beer" ad libitum; but still, one may feel inclined to exclaim, in the exquisite broken words of that worthy, "Where am dat barty now?"

"'At last Bill came to the point where he and the captain between 'em hold the shark's mouth open while the cabin-boy dives in head foremost, and fetches up, undigested, the gold watch and chain as the bo'sun was a- wearing when he fell overboard; and at that the old cat giv'd a screech, and rolled over on her side with her legs in the air.

"Boys," he said, "I was one of de toughest gazabos what ever hung aroun' de square. I met dis man an' tried t' bleed 'im, but it warn't no go 'e was on to de game and cudn't be touch't. "I giv'd 'im a song an' dance story fur weeks.

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