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Fleda asked the question in a voice which showed a sudden access of determination. "He will have to wipe it out after to-morrow," replied the other with a gleam of sulky meaning and furtive purpose in his eyes. "If you mean that I will change my mind to-morrow, and be your wife, and return to the Gipsy life, it is the thought of a fool.

He was pleased to find the innkeeper rising to the level of the joke. He had not expected it, and was all the more amused. Meanwhile, the gipsy jester had poked out his black phiz, which vied with that of any nigger, and, flashing a row of white teeth at the innkeeper, began to tot up on his fingers what he wanted.

"I saw the girl's slender fingers close spasmodically on the phial, and the dead whiteness returned to her face. "'Oh! it is "Then the gipsy broke in. 'It is a love philter something that will make her sweetheart tender and faithful would the senorita like to buy one? "I turned my eyes on Zillah; she was still pale, and trembled visibly.

"No question about his right: but have you never observed that, of all the tales told here about matrimony, Mr. Rochester has been favoured with the most lively and the most continuous?" "The eagerness of a listener quickens the tongue of a narrator." I said this rather to myself than to the gipsy, whose strange talk, voice, manner, had by this time wrapped me in a kind of dream.

"Where did you leave my father?" she enquired, as the esquilador entered the room. "Is he well? Why does he not return?" "I left the Señor Conde at a convent near Lecumberri," replied the gipsy. "Near Lecumberri?" repeated Rita; "it was not in that direction he went. He left this for the plains of Vittoria."

It resembles the flitting of some gipsy, or rather it reminds me of an engraving in a book of fables I owned in my childhood: the whole thing is exactly like the slender wardrobe and the long guitar which the cicala who had sung all the summer, carried upon her back when she knocked at the door of her neighbor the ant. Poor little gipsy!

On the roof, from a tube painted green like the rest, smoke arose. This moving house was always varnished and washed afresh. In front, on a ledge fastened to the van, with the window for a door, behind the horses and by the side of an old man who held the reins and directed the team, two gipsy women, dressed as goddesses, sounded their trumpets.

The exiled family then set forward, Mary Avenel, a lovely girl between five and six years old, riding gipsy fashion upon Shagram, betwixt two bundles of bedding; the Lady of Avenel walking by the animal's side; Tibb leading the bridle, and old Martin walking a little before, looking anxiously around him to explore the way.

We call the disposition to usurp and absorb another person by that name, but woe betide him or her who is the object of such a sentiment. Yet happily, the real thing is to be found now and again. And from that arises freedom." Hadria was playing some joyous impromptu, which seemed to express the very spirit of Freedom herself. "I think Hadria has something of the gipsy in her," said Algitha.

She is a prisoner who is starved for real life, and stifles; the fresh air and the open sky are good, are irresistible and that is the whole long poem in brief. Such a small prisoner, all life and fire, was before many months actually delivered from her cage in Wimpole Street, and Robert Browning himself, growing in stature amid his incantations, played the part of the gipsy.