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Updated: August 2, 2024

"Gaw' strike me blind, 'e arn't got the guts for hit!" a voice cried at my elbow, and I found the Cockney openly sneering into my face. I saw through his motive immediately. Cockney wanted the job, and he wasn't going to allow the Swede to overlook his peculiar qualifications a second time. Therefore, he would risk battle with me. I was nothing loath.

"Let me but discover the Gaw the infidel!" replied the son, following the father; and our hero observed him put his hand into his breast and half unsheath a poniard. Joey easily comprehended how the matter stood: a Jewish maiden had met by assignation or had been run away with by some young man, and the father and son were in pursuit to recover the daughter.

The eyelids drooped, and his gaze was again one of infantile innocence. His fat smooth jowls quivered, as he waited with an expectant smile for my answer. I'll admit I was completely bowled over for a moment. A hush had fallen upon the room. I heard a voice behind me exclaim softly and bitterly, "Gaw' blimme, 'e's got it!"

Then he says: "Missa Gordon, I tay you how about Gaw convert China clilimal?" "How God converted a Chinese criminal?" "Yeh. I tay you. Dissa case somma lika dis: "One tem was China highrob. His nem was Chan Tow. Live by rob on pubnic highway evely one he can. Dissa highrob live in place call Kan Suh.

But I'll tell 'e so soon's I've tawld Uncle Thomas." "He'm in the croft somewheers. Better bide till dinner. Uncle'll be back by then." "I caan't, Mary not till I've spoke wi' en. I'll gaw long down Green Lane, then I shall meet en for sure. An' if a box o' mine comes by the omblibus, 'tis right." "A box! Whatever is there in it, Joan?" "All's I've gotten in the world leastways nearly.

"Ye munna gaw doon to t' sea be yersell," Mistress Anerley said to her daughter; "happen ye mought be one too many." But family cares and farm-house life had partly cured her of her education, and from troubles of distant speech she had returned to the ease of her native dialect. "And if I go not to the sea by myself," asked Mary, with natural logic, "why, who is there now to go with me?"

I dreamed it 'fore 'e was born. Doan't 'e hold me back, you poor fools. Let me gaw an' bury myself in the same graave along wi' en. My Tom, my Tom! I awnly had but wan awnly wan, an' now " She wailed and wrung her hands, while rough voices filled her ears with such comfort as words could bring to her. "Rest easy, bide at peace, dear sawl."

He saw the queer German drachenflieger, with their wide flat wings and square box-shaped heads, their wheeled bodies, and their single-man riders, soar down the air like a flight of birds. "Gaw!" he said.

Butteridge's name. The sandals dangled helplessly. Gaw! Everybody seemed in a devil of a hurry. Why? He was carried joggling and gaping through the twilight, marvelling beyond measure.

If you could a heard Mister Jan! You would understand, wi' your warm heart, but I caan't make 'e; I've no terrible, braave, butivul words. I'll gaw my ways then. If any sawl had tawld me as I'd ever bring tears down your faace I'd never b'lieved 'em never; but so I have, an' that's bitterness to me." He took her by the hand and pressed it, then put his arm round her and kissed her.

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