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Go you therefore to to her that sent thee and say that Beltane died within the dungeons of Garthlaxton. Say that I who speak am but a sword for the hand of God henceforth, to smite and stay not until wrong shall be driven hence. Say that this was told thee by a sorry wight who, yearning for death, must needs cherish life until his vow be accomplished."

"Truly," nodded Roger, "I have seen yon flaming keep hung round with hanged men ere now and in the dungeons beneath I have seen God forgive me, what I have seen! Ha! Burn, accursed walls, burn! Full many shall rejoice in thy ruin, as I do lorn women and fatherless children fair women ravished of life and honour!" "Aye," cried Giles, "and lovely ladies brought to shame! So, Garthlaxton smoke!"

'First, doth Pertolepe hold him I seek? 'Him? says I. 'Him they call Beltane? says Roger, 'doth he lie prisoned within Garthlaxton? 'He doth, quoth I. Now for thine other question.

And methinks, this is my duty: to do such deeds as shall ring throughout this sorrowful Duchy like a trumpet-blast, bidding all men arise and take hold upon their manhood. Garthlaxton is no more, but there be many castles yet to burn whose flames, perchance, shall light such a fire within the souls of men as shall ne'er be quenched until Wrong and Tyranny be done away.

A while Sir Pertolepe bit savagely at his knuckle-bones, then, lifting his head, spake that all might hear: "Ho, sirs!" he cried, "I am fain to bide awhile and hold talk with one Beltane, who styleth himself Duke of Pentavalon. Hie ye back, therefore, one and all, and wait me in Garthlaxton; yet, an I come not by sunset, ride forth and seek me within the forest. Go!"

"'Tis well!" sighed Beltane. "Well, master nay, how mean you?" "That being at Barham Broom, they cannot be otherwhere, Roger. Saw you Pertolepe's banner among all these?" "Aye, master; they have set up his pavilion beside the Duke's." "Tell me now," said Beltane, coming to his elbow, "how many men should be left within Garthlaxton for garrison, think you?" "An hundred, belike!" said Walkyn.

Now went there up a roar, deep-lunged and ominous; brawny fists were shaken and weapons flashed and glittered. "Ah we know him the Red Wolf we know him ah!" "Then tell me," said Beltane, "will not steel cut? Will not fire burn? Arise, I say, rise up and follow me. So will we smite Tyranny this night and ere the dawn Garthlaxton shall be ablaze!"

March you at the rear and see they take no harm; choose ye some secure corner where they may lie safe from chance of stray shafts, for I would have them come hale and sound to Garthlaxton, since to die well, a man must be strong and hearty, look you. D'ye mark me well, good fellows?" "Aye, lord!" growled the four.

"Good fellows," quoth he, nodding jovially upon the archers, "here be my three rogues, see you who must with me to Garthlaxton: one to die by slow fire, one to be torn by my hounds, and one this tall golden-haired youth mark him well! to die in slow and subtle fashion.

"'Tis told in Belsaye on right good authority that a certain vile knave, a lewd, seditious rogue hight Beltane that was aforetime a charcoal-burner and thereafter a burner of gibbets as witness my lord Duke's tall, great and goodly gallows that was beside a prison breaker and known traitor, hath been taken by the doughty Sir Pertolepe, lord Warden of the Marches, and by him very properly roasted and burned to death within his great Keep of Garthlaxton."