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The plump person on the opposite seat, who had been shaking her head violently all this time here threatened to burst if not encouraged to speak. Fanny nodded to her. Whereupon the flood broke. "Wunderbar, nicht war! Ich kuss' die handt, gnadiges Fraulein." She actually did it, to Fanny's consternation. "Ich hab' ihr das gelernt, Gnadige. Selbst. Ist es nicht ganz entzuckend! Tante Fanny.

I would think twice before attempting to carry those objects of virtue through the country of our excellent friends the Beni Lam Arabs!" Ganz laughed. "Your objects of virtue could very well be left with me. What if the English should go into the war?" "The English? Go into the war? Never fear! This is not their affair. And if it were, what could they do?

His comments ran on: "Bon soir, Monsieur," to the host: "Ein boesewicht, ganz sicher" "a scoundrel without doubt;" and then added, still lower, "Rob you here as soon as look at you." "Ah, postillion! comment va?" "much more like a brigand after all I know which I'd take you for." "Ver fluchte fraw" "how ugly the woman is."

Vor allem aber sind sie kriegerisch gerustet, funkelnde Speere tragen sie in den Handen, oder auch goldene Axte. Goldene Harnische oder Mantel umhullen sie, goldene Helme schimmern auf ihren Hauptern. Nie erscheinen sie ohne Wehr und Waffen. Es scheint dass diese ganz und gar zu ihren Wesen gehoren."

"Big or little, in package or bulk, I go through her manifest, an' cheek, it, too." The Baron laughed softly. He was pale, probably as the result' of his wounds, but he was inflexible in his resolve to arrive at an understanding with his lieutenants before the remaining passengers put in an appearance. "Ganz gut, herr capitan!" he cried.

He gave no explanation of his failure to see the celebration at Bala Bala and the ruins of Susa, which Ganz supposed to be the chief objects of his excursion.

But there was no lack of graciousness in the gestures with which those famous hands saluted the visitor and pointed him to a seat of honor on the rug beside the Father of Swords. The Father of Swords furthermore pronounced his heart uplifted to receive a friend of Ganz Sahib, that prince among the merchants of Shuster.

But he gave me to understand that he was not in the Oil Company." "Quite so." "I saw for myself that he knows nothing about archæology. Who is he? Lynch? Bank? Telegraph?" "He's not Lynch, and he's not Bank, and he's not Telegraph. Neither is he consul, or even that famous railroad. He's English!" And Ganz let out a chuckle at the success of his own characterization. "Ah!

Do you wish to enrich the already overstocked British Museum at my expense? But I do not mind revealing to you that I am now really on my way to Mohamera." "H'm," let out Ganz slowly. "My dear fellow, haven't you heard that there is a war in Europe?" "I must confess, my good Ganz, that I have. But what has Europe to do with Mohamera?" "God knows," said Ganz.

"Ganz wohl; wir sind zufrieden mit unsere behandlung." I passed through the shell-shock wards and a yard where the "shell-shocks" sat about, dumb, or making queer, foolish noises, or staring with a look of animal fear in their eyes. From a padded room came a sound of singing. Some idiot of war was singing between bursts of laughter. It all seemed so funny to him, that war, so mad!