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"Look at this," he said, "and see if the material in it appears to be the same as that on the chair. I mean, of course, the smudge on it." The chief turned his instrument on the waste. "It is the same," he declared, in a moment, "and I'd like to know where you got it." "Do you find blue threads well, not threads, exactly, but bits of fuzz in the waste, too?" "Yes, but the trace is faint."

There was a tea-house, with a maiden playing a lute, and the words of the song, fantastic black ideographs, floated off to the ears of her lover. Foh-Kyung spread out its leaves in the sun, and looked at it and smiled." "Never is the heart of man satisfied," he said, "alone. Neither when the willow fuzz flies in the spring, or when the midnight snow silvers the palms.

Harry inquired, rubbing his large hands through his crisp, abundant locks. They were as much all in a fuzz as ever, but his skin was not so gloriously tanned, and his hands were white instead of umber. Bessie noticed them: they were whiter and more delicate than her own. Harry Musgrave had no conceit, but plenty of confidence, and he knew that his head was a very good head.

Had Fuzz and Buzz, and Thunder and Lightning, and the Stars been present at that moment, there is not the least doubt that Irene would have elected them to wreak their vengeance on Lucy; but she was keeping herself in for all she was worth at the present moment, for after all even Lucy did not much matter it was little Agnes who mattered.

The fine, silvery hair of fuzz that grew upon the leaf had been crushed. Wetzel knew that an Indian could tread so softly as not to break the springy grass blades, but the under side of one of these leaves, if a man steps on it, always betrays his passage through the woods. To keen eyes this leaf showed that it had been bruised by a soft moccasin.

She was partly undressed, and was undoing her hair and brushing it out. It was very curly and all fluffed out in a shining white fuzz around her fat, pink face, full of soft wrinkles; but in a moment she was braiding it up again and putting on a tight white nightcap, which she tied under her chin.

But all the time the water lay in black pools along the shrunken river, trickling among the rocks and eddying around huge snags of driftwood, clear, limpid, sparkling, yet always less and less. Where the winter floods had scoured the lowlands clear, a fuzz of baby trees sprang up, growing to a rank prosperity and dying suddenly beneath the sun.

She dared not look at him, she dared not take her eyes off the object before them. It was crudely painted. It was the portrait of a young man dressed a hundred or more years ago. He seemed to be walking forward out of the picture. In many places the pigment was so nearly gone that the brown fuzz of canvas showed through.

"First of all, Anne and Bob must go and watch the fires, then unpack the panniers, and next make beds of the tips you know how, Anne?" "I've watched the school children at Bear Forks weave it, so I'm sure I can make them, too," replied Anne. "Good! You stick the little stem-ends under the soft fuzz of the others just laid.

She had attained tall and exceedingly supine proportions, wore pinks and blues and an invariable necklace of pink paste pearls to fine advantage, and a fuzz of yellow bangs that fell down over her eyes, only to be repeatedly flung back again. Nevertheless, at eighteen Flora's neat spiritous air lay calm as a wimple over her keenly motivated little self.