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Here another attempt was made on the part of the chairman to reduce the meeting to order. Above the laughter and cheering and hooting he cried at the top of his voice, "Unless you stop your foolery, Parson, I'll have you turned out!" "Will you? Who's going to stop my foolery?" yelled Parson. "Try it on, that's all! You don't think we funk you!" "Do you suppose we don't know what we're doing?"

I believe if I hadn't pulled myself up sharp, I'd have jumped out into the street and run away. It didn't last more than a few seconds, but I don't want any more like them. I was afraid, afraid there's no use pretending it was anything else. I was in a dumb, silly funk, and I turned sick inside and shook, as I have seen a horse shake when he shies at nothing and sweats and trembles down his sides.

Nobody knows you, so don't go into a funk, my lad. It's life or death for you, mebby. I'll get a word to Briggs, the ringmaster. He'll help you out, too. Just follow me around the ring, three steps behind. Stop when I stop, walk when I do. Look silly, that's all. I'll think of something else to tell you to do after we're out there. And we'll stay out there till the show's over."

The larks trilled at every dawn to herald the coming day, and never seemed in the least disturbed by the roar of artillery. In the left-hand corner of the sketch will be noticed the firing platform, over which is the "funk hole," so called from its being the refuge to run to when the shells arrive.

If I had been in a funk I should have run from editor to editor and actor to actor, should have nervously entreated them to be considerate, should nervously have inserted useless corrections and should have spent two or three weeks in Petersburg fussing over my "Seagull," in excitement, in a cold perspiration, in lamentation.... When you were with me the night after the performance you told me yourself that it would be the best thing for me to go away; and next morning I got a letter from you to say good-bye.

The kings of modern thought who are described seem like kings out of a job. We are inclined to turn from them to the intellectual monarchs de facto. They are the ones who take up the hard job which the representatives of the old régime give up as hopeless. For when the king has abdicated and contends no more Long live the King! The real thinkers of any age do not remain long in a blue funk.

One good turn deserves another." Well, so be, Major, specially as it no matter, for he not stop with us long." "You mean that he will run away, Jeekie?" "Oh! no, he not run away, he in too blue funk for that. But something run away with him, because he ought die to-morrow night.

There was a crowd of roistering boys and rosy-cheeked girls, who made the old school-house hum like a beehive. Very pleasant to the passers-by was the music of their voices. At recess and at noon they had leap-frog and tag. Paul was in a class with Philip Funk, Hans Middlekauf, and Michael Murphy. There were other boys and girls of all nationalities.

Dick soon secured a buggy, and drove off. En route he whistled gaily, and at intervals burst into song. He really felt absurdly gay. The 'Bishop, however, pulled a long face when he understood what was demanded of him. "It's too late," said he. "Do you funk it?" asked Dick angrily. "I do," replied his reverence. "Well, he must be told the facts before he goes south."

"Which of you went back upstairs to untie my uncle after you had run away in a fright?" "N-neither of us," she answered, teeth chattering from sheer funk. "I understood Mr. Hull to say " "He never said that. Y-you must be mistaken." "Mebbeso. You didn't go back, then?" The monosyllable "No" came quavering from her yellow throat.